特集 もっと身近に! Female Urologyを学ぶ
・泌尿器科でも「もっと身近に! 経会陰超音波検査を!」.
・泌尿器科でも「もっと身近に! 経会陰超音波検査を!」.
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2) Barbela AF, Pombar X, Perugino G, et al : A new method to assess fetal head descent in labor with transperineal ultrasound. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 33 : 313-319, 2009
3) 西林 学 : 症例 : 女性医療③この画像をどう読むか? 臨婦産71 : 267-270, 2017
4) Dietz HP, Moegn F and Shek KL : Diagnosis of levator avulsion injury : a comparison of three methods. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 40 : 693-698, 2012
5) Eisenberg VH, Chantarasom V, Shek KL, et al : Does levator ani injury affect cystocele type? Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 36 : 618-623, 2010