増刊号特集 泌尿器科周術期パーフェクト管理
1) Aboumarzouk OM, Hughes O, Narahari K, et al : Safety and feasibility of laparoscopic radical cystectomy for the treatment of bladder cancer. J Endourol 27 : 1083-1095, 2013
2) Tang K, Li H, Xia D, et al : Laparoscopic versus open radical cystectomy in bladder cancer : a systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative studies. PLoS One 9 : e95667, 2014
3) Lin T, Fan X, Zhang C, et al : A prospective randomised controlled trial of laparoscopic vs open radical cystectomy for bladder cancer : perioperative and oncologic outcomes with 5-year follow-up T Lin et al. Br J Cancer 110 : 842-849, 2014
4) Khan MS, Gan C, Ahmed K, et al : A Single-centre Early Phase Randomised Controlled Three-arm Trial of Open, Robotic, and Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy (CORAL). Eur Urol 69 : 613-621, 2016
5) Yong C, Daihui C and Bo Z : Laparoscopic versus open radical cystectomy for patients with bladder cancer over 75-year-old : a prospective randomized controlled trial. Oncotarget 8 : 26565-26572, 2017
6) Sotelo RJ, Haese A, Machuca V, et al : Safer Surgery by Learning from Complications : A Focus on Robotic Prostate Surgery. Eur Urol 69 : 334-344, 2016
7) Sotelo R, Nunez Bragayrac LA, Machuca V, et al : Avoiding and managing vascular injury during robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy. Ther Adv Urol 7 : 41-48, 2015