増刊号特集 泌尿器科周術期パーフェクト管理
1) Horiguchi A, Edo H, Soga S, et al : Pubourethral Stump Angle Measured on Preoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Predicts Urethroplasty Type for Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injury Repair. Urology 112 : 198-204, 2018
2) Terlecki RP, Steele MC, Valadez C, et al : Urethral rest : role and rationale in preparation for anterior urethroplasty. Urology 77 : 1477-1481, 2011
3) Brandes SB and Morey AF (eds) : Advanced Male Uethral and Genital Reconstructive Surgery. Humana Press, NY, 2013
4) Koraitim MM : On the art of anastomotic posterior urethroplasty : a 27-year experience. J Urol 173 : 135-139, 2005
5) 堀口明男, 新地祐介, 田崎新資, 他 : 骨盤骨折による後部尿道外傷に対する待機的尿道形成術の治療成績. 日外傷会誌30 : 424-430, 2016
6) Koraitim MM : Predictors of erectile dysfunction post pelvic fracture urethral injuries : a multivariate analysis. Urology 81 : 1081-1085, 2013
7) 堀口明男, 東 隆一, 辻田裕二郎, 他 : 後部尿道外傷に対する尿道形成術後の尿失禁に関する検討. 日排尿機能会誌25 : 304-308, 2014
8) Horiguchi A, Shinchi M, Ojima K, et al : Evaluation of the effect of urethroplasty for anterior urethral strictures by a validated disease-specific patient-reported outcome measure. World J Urol : 2018 [Epub ahead of print]