特集 メディカルスタッフとともに診る 高齢者の排尿マネジメント
1) 荒井秀典 (編集主幹), 要介護高齢者, フレイル高齢者, 認知症高齢者に対する栄養療法, 運動療法, 薬物療法に関するガイドライン作成に向けた調査研究班 (編) : フレイル診療ガイド2018年版. p2, ライフ・サイエンス, 東京, 2018
2) Kang J and Kim C : Association between urinary incontinence and physical frailty in Korea. Australas J Ageing 37 : E104-E109, 2018
3) Wang CJ, Hung CH, Tang TC, et al : Urinary Incontinence and Its Association with Frailty Among Men Aged 80 Years or Older in Taiwan : A Cross-Sectional Study. Rejuvenation Res 20 : 111-117, 2017
4) Chong E, Chan M, Lim WS, et al : Frailty Predicts Incident Urinary Incontinence Among Hospitalized Older Adults-A1-Year Prospective Cohort Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc 19 : 422-427, 2018
5) Lee WJ, Liu CY and Sun CC : Walking speed, not muscle mass, is associated with urinary incontinence in community-dwelling old taiwanese. Neurourol Urodyn 35 : 1057-1058, 2016
6) Suskind AM, Quanstrom K, Zhao S, et al : Overactive Bladder is Strongly Associated with Frailty in Older Individuals. Urology 106 : 26-31, 2017
7) Jang IY, Lee CK, Jung HW, et al : Urologic symptoms and burden of frailty and geriatric conditions in older men : the Aging Study of PyeongChang Rural Area. Clin Interv Aging 13 : 297-304, 2018
8) Erekson EA, Fried TR, Martin DK, et al : Frailty, cognitive impairment, and functional disability in older women with female pelvic floor dysfunction. Int Urogynecol J 26 : 823-830, 2015
9) Hashimoto M, Hashimoto K, Ando F, et al : Prescription rate of medications potentially contributing to lower urinary tract symptoms and detection of adverse reactions by prescription sequence symmetry analysis. J Pharm Health Care Sci 1 : 7, 2015
10) Stenzelius K, Molander U, Odeberg J, et al : The effect of conservative treatment of urinary incontinence among older and frail older people : a systematic review. Age Ageing 44 : 736-744, 2015
11) Suskind AM, Walter LC, Jin C, et al : Impact of frailty on complications in patients undergoing common urological procedures : a study from the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement database. BJU Int 117 : 836-842, 2016
12) Suskind AM, Jin C, Walter LC, et al : Frailty and the Role of Obliterative Versus Reconstructive Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse : A National Study. J Urol 197 : 1502-1506, 2017