特集 ここまで見える! 泌尿器科における可視化の進歩
1) Russakovsky O, Deng J, Su H, et al : ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge. Int J Comput Vis 115 : 211-252, 2015
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3) Tang A, Tam R, Cadrin-Chênevert A, et al : Canadian Association of Radiologists White Paper on Artificial Intelligence in Radiology. Can Assoc Radiol J 69 : 120-135, 2018
4) LeCun Y, Bengio Y and Hinton G : Deep learning. Nature 521 : 436-444, 2015
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6) Le Q V, Ranzato MA, Devin M, et al : Unsupervised_Icml2012. Available (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1112.6209.pdf)
7) Ting DSW, Cheung CYL, Lim G, et al : Development and Validation of a Deep Learning System for Diabetic Retinopathy and Related Eye Diseases Using Retinal Images From Multiethnic Populations with Diabetes. JAMA 318 : 2211-2223, 2017
8) Hambrock T, Vos C P, Hulsbergen-van de Kaa CA, et al : Prostate cancer : computer-aided diagnosis with multiparametric 3-T MR imaging - Effect on observer performance. Radiology 266 : 521-530, 2013
9) Kwak JT, Xu S, Wood BJ, et al : Automated prostate cancer detection using T2-weighted and high-b-value diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Med Phys 42 : 2368-2378, 2015
10) Tsehay YK, Lay NS, Roth HR, et al : Convolutional neural network based deep-learning architecture for prostate cancer detection on multiparametric magnetic resonance images. Med Imaging 2017 Comput Diagnosis 10134 : 1013405, 2017
11) Ishioka J, Matsuoka Y, Uehara S, et al : Computer-aided diagnosis of prostate cancer on magnetic resonance imaging using a convolutional neural network algorithm. BJU Int 122 : 411-417, 2018
12) Ronneberger O, Fischer P and Brox T : U-Net : Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation. Available (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.04597.pdf)