特集 令和最新版! 泌尿器がん薬物療法―手元に置きたい心強い一冊
・殺細胞性抗がん薬を用いる際の理論的背景(術後補助療法,dose dense療法,併用療法)となる,がん細胞増殖モデルを理解することが重要である.
・殺細胞性抗がん薬を用いる際の理論的背景(術後補助療法,dose dense療法,併用療法)となる,がん細胞増殖モデルを理解することが重要である.
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2) Norton L : A Gompertzian Model of Human Breast Cancer Growth. Cancer Res 48 : 7067-7071, 1988
3) Norton L : Theoretical Concepts and the Emerging Role of Taxanes in Adjuvant Therapy. Oncologist 6 (supple 3) : 30-35, 2001
4) Norton L : Conceptual and Practical Implications of Breast Tissue Geometry : Toward a More Effective, Less Toxic Therapy. Oncologist 10 : 370-381, 2005
5) Citron ML, et al : Randomized Trial of Dose-Dense Versus Conventionally Scheduled and Sequential Versus Concurrent Combination Chemotherapy as Postoperative Adjuvant Treatment of Node-Positive Primary Breast Cancer : First Report of Intergroup Trial C9741/Cancer and Leukemia Group B trial 9741. J Clin Oncol 21 : 1431-1439, 2003
6) Goldie JH, et al : A Mathematical Model for Relating the Drug Sensitivity of Tumors to Their Spontaneous Mutation Rate. Cancer Treat Rep 63 : 1727-1733, 1979