増刊号特集 泌尿器科診療の最新スタンダード―平成の常識は令和の非常識
腫瘍 部位別
1) 日本整形外科学会(監), 他 : 軟部腫瘍診療ガイドライン2012. 南江堂, 東京, 2012
2) van Houdt WJ, et al : New Research Strategies in Retroperitoneal Sarcoma. The Case of TARPSWG, STRASS and RESAR : Making Progress Through Collaboration. Curr Opin Oncol 31 : 310-316, 2019
3) Judson I, et al : Doxorubicin Alone Versus Intensified Doxorubicin Plus Ifosfamide for First-Line Treatment of Advanced or Metastatic Soft-Tissue Sarcoma : A Randomised Controlled Phase 3 Trial. Lancet Oncol 15 : 415-423, 2014
4) Hensley ML, et al : Gemcitabine and Docetaxel in Patients With Unresectable Leiomyosarcoma : Results of a Phase II Trial. J Clin Oncol 20 : 2824-2831, 2002
5) Forni C, et al : Trabectedin(ET-743)Promotes Differentiation in Myxiod Liposarcoma Tumors. Mol Cancer Ther 8 : 449-457, 2009
6) Penel N, et al : Phase II Trial of Weekly Paclitaxel for Unresectable Angiosarcoma : The ANGIOTAX Study. J Clin Oncol 26 : 5269-5274, 2008
7) Trans-Atlantic Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Working Group(TARPSWG): Management of Metastatic Retroperitoneal Sarcoma : A Consensus Approach From the Trans-Atlantic Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Working Group(TARPSWG). Ann Oncol 29 : 857-871, 2018
8) van der Graaf, et al : Pazopanib for Metastatic Soft-Tissue Sarcoma(PALETTE): A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase 3 Trial. Lancet 379 : 1879-1886, 2012
9) Mossé YP, et al : Targeting ALK With Crizotinib in Pediatric Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor : A Children's Oncology Group Study. J Clin Oncol 35 : 3215-3221, 2017
10) 日本癌治療学会・日本臨床腫瘍学会(編) : 成人・小児進行固形がんにおける臓器横断的ゲノム診療のガイドライン. 金原出版, 東京, 2019