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特集 これが最新版! 過活動膀胱のトリセツ〈特別付録Web動画〉



著者: 相澤直樹1

所属機関: 1獨協医科大学医学部薬理学講座

ページ範囲:P.608 - P.612







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40) Aizawa N, et al : Selective Inhibitory Effect of Imidafenacin and 5-Hydroxymethyl Tolterodine on Capsaicin Sensitive C Fibers of the Primary Bladder Mechanosensitive Afferent Nerves in the Rat. J Urol 193 : 1423-1432, 2015
41) Kadekawa K, et al : Effects of Liposome-based Local Suppression of Nerve Growth Factor in the Bladder on Autonomic Dysreflexia During Urinary Bladder Distention in Rats With Spinal Cord Injury. Exp Neurol 291 : 44-50, 2017
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43) Takai S, et al : Effects of Herpes Simplex Virus Vectors Encoding Poreless TRPV1 or Protein Phosphatase 1α in a Rat Cystitis Model Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide. Gene Ther 25 : 20-26, 2018
44) DeBerry JJ, et al : Differential Regulation of Bladder Pain and Voiding Function by Sensory Afferent Populations Revealed by Selective Optogenetic Activation. Front Integr Neurosci 12 : 5, 2018
45) Wallace SL, et al : Transdermal Light Neuromodulation : Optogenetics in the Murine Urinary Tract. Neurourol Urodyn 37 : 1281-1285, 2018
46) Ito H, et al : Probabilistic, Spinally-Gated Control of Bladder Pressure and Autonomous Micturition by Barrington's Nucleus CRH Neurons. ELife 9 : e56605, 2020





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