特集 前立腺肥大症(BPH)薬物治療のニューノーマル―“とりあえず”ではなくベストな処方を目指して
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4) Saito M, et al : Prostatic Ischemia Induces Ventral Prostatic Hyperplasia in the SHR ; Possible Mechanism of Development of BPH. Sci Rep 4 : 3822, 2014
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6) 清水翔吾, 他 : 前立腺肥大症に対する前立腺血流を標的とした治療効果の可能性. 日薬理誌154 : 250-254, 2019
7) Shimizu S, et al : Protective Effects of Tadalafil on Prostatic Hyperplasia in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Eur J Pharmacol 882 : 173313, 2020
8) Shimizu S, et al : Therapeutic Effects of Losartan on Prostatic Hyperplasia in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Life Sci 266 : 118924, 2021
9) Ito H, et al : IPSS Is Lower in Hypertensive Patients Treated with Angiotensin-II Receptor Blocker : Posthoc Analyses of a Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Population. Neurourol Urodyn 32 : 70-74, 2013
10) Umemura S, et al : The Japanese Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension (JSH 2019). Hypertens Res 42 : 1235-1481, 2019