特集 尿道狭窄に対する尿道形成術の極意―〈特別付録Web動画〉
・尿道形成術の術式選択の原則は,「狭窄部切除・尿道端々吻合術(EPA)/non-transecting anastomotic urethroplasty(NTAU)が可能な症例はEPA/NTAUで行う」ことである.
・尿道形成術の術式選択の原則は,「狭窄部切除・尿道端々吻合術(EPA)/non-transecting anastomotic urethroplasty(NTAU)が可能な症例はEPA/NTAUで行う」ことである.
1) Andrich DE, et al : Non-Transecting Anastomotic Bulbar Urethroplasty : A Preliminary Report. BJU Int 109 : 1090-1094, 2012
2) Barbagli G, et al : Penile Urethral Stricture Reconstruction ― Flap or Graft? Graft. J Urol 186 : 375-376, 2011
3) Gonzalez C : Penile Urethral Stricture Reconstruction ― Flap or Graft? Flap. J Urol 186 : 376-377, 2011
4) Ali AI, et al : Buccal Mucosal Graft versus Penile Skin Flap Urethroplasty for Long Segment Penile Urethral Stricture : A Prospective Randomized Study. Cent European J Urol 72 : 191-197, 2019
5) Dubey D, et al : Dorsal Onlay Buccal Mucosa versus Penile Skin Flap Urethroplasty for Anterior Urethral Strictures : Results from a Randomized Prospective Trial. J Urol 178 : 2466-2469, 2007
6) Lumen N, et al : Urethral Reconstruction Using Buccal Mucosa or Penile Skin Grafts : Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Urol Int 89 : 387-394, 2012
7) Raber M, et al : Dorsal Onlay Graft Urethroplasty Using Penile Skin or Buccal Mucosa for Repair of Bulbar Urethral Stricture : Results of a Prospective Single Center Study. Eur Urol 48 : 1013-1017, 2005
8) Wessells H, et al : Male Urethral Stricture : American Urological Association Guideline. J Urol 197 : 182-190, 2017
9) Horiguchi A : Substitution Urethroplasty Using Oral Mucosa Graft for Male Anterior Urethral Stricture Disease : Current Topics and Reviews. Int J Urol 24 : 493-503, 2017
10) Soave A, et al : Substitution Urethroplasty with Closure versus Nonclosure of the Buccal Mucosa Graft Harvest Site : A Randomized Controlled Trial with a Detailed Analysis of Oral Pain and Morbidity. Eur Urol 73 : 910-922, 2018