特集 限局性前立腺癌診療バイブル―このへんでキッチリと前立腺癌診療の“あたりまえ”を整理しよう!
1) Onozawa M, et al : Recent Trends in the Initial Therapy for Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer in Japan. Jpn J Clin Oncol 44 : 969-981, 2014
2) Nakai Y, et al : Trends in Risk Classification at Diagnosis and Choice of Primary Therapy for Prostate Cancer : An Analysis of 10 839 Patients from the Nara Urological Research and Treatment Group Registry Between 2004 and 2015. Int J Urol 28 : 1164-1170, 2021
3) Akakura K, et al : Not All Prostate Cancer Is the Same ― Patient Perceptions : An Asia-Pacific Region Study. BJU Int 126 Suppl 1 : 38-45, 2020
4) Schaede U, et al : Shared Decision-Making in Patients with Prostate Cancer in Japan : Patient Preferences versus Physician Perceptions. J Glob Oncol 4 : 1-9, 2018
5) Kato T, et al : Comparison of the Medical Costs Between Active Surveillance and Other Treatments for Early Prostate Cancer in Japan Using Data from the PRIAS-JAPAN Study. Int J Urol 2022 Jul 19. doi: 10.1111/iju.14977. [Online ahead of print]
6) Nguyen PL, et al : Ability of a Genomic Classifier to Predict Metastasis and Prostate Cancer-specific Mortality After Radiation or Surgery Based on Needle Biopsy Specimens. Eur Urol 72 : 845-852, 2017
7) Nguyen PL, et al : Impact of a Genomic Classifier of Metastatic Risk on Postprostatectomy Treatment Recommendations by Radiation Oncologists and Urologists. Urology 86 : 35-40, 2015