増刊号特集 専門性と多様性を両立させる! 泌尿器科外来ベストNAVI
◉起因菌と薬剤感受性が判明すれば,empirical therapyからdefinitive therapyにスイッチする.
◉起因菌と薬剤感受性が判明すれば,empirical therapyからdefinitive therapyにスイッチする.
1) Ishikawa K, et al : Japanese Nationwide Surveillance in 2011 of Antibacterial Susceptibility Patterns of Clinical Isolates from Complicated Urinary Tract Infection Cases. J Infect Chemother 21 : 623-633, 2015
2) Karen R, et al : Risk Factors for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection and Renal Scarring. Pediatrics 136 : e13-21, 2015
3) Bader MS, et al : An Update on the Management of Urinary Tract Infections in the Era of Antimicrobial Resistance. Postgrad Med 129 : 242-258, 2017
4) Peterson J, et al : Identification and Pretherapy Susceptibility of Pathogens in Patients with Complicated Urinary Tract Infection or Acute Pyelonephritis Enrolled in a Clinical Study in the United States from November 2004 Through April 2006. Clin Ther 29 : 2215-2221, 2007
5) Hayami H, et al : Nationwide Surveillance of Bacterial Pathogens from Patients with Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis Conducted by the Japanese Surveillance Committee During 2009 and 2010 : Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus saprophyticus. J Infect Chemother 19 : 393-403, 2013