特集 実践! エビデンスに基づいた「神経因性膀胱」の治療法
1) Perrigot M, et al : Effects of Intravenous Alfuzosin on Urethral Pressure in Patients with Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction. Neurourol Urodyn 15 : 119-131, 1996
2) Yasuda K, et al : The effect of urapidil on neurogenic bladder : a placebo controlled double-blind study. J Urol 156 : 1125-1130, 1996
3) Abrams P, et al : Tamuslosin : Efficacy and Safety in Patients with Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction Due to Suprasacral Spinal Cord Injury. J Urol 170 : 1242-1251, 2003
4) Takeda M, et al : Predictive Factors for the Effect of the α1-D/A Adrenoceptor Antagonist Naftopidil on Subjective and Objective Criteria in Patients with Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction. BJU Int 108 : 100-107, 2011
5) Moon KH, et al : A 12-week, Open Label, Multi-Center Study to Evaluate the Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Silodosin on Voiding Dysfunction in Patients with Neurogenic Bladder. Lower Urin Tract Symptoms 7 : 27-31, 2015
6)日本排尿機能学会, 他 (編) : 脊髄損傷における下部尿路機能障害の診療ガイドライン2019年版. 中外医学社, 東京, 2019
7) Barendrecht MM, et al : Is the Use of Parasympathomimetics for Treating an Underactive Urinary Bladder Evidence-Based? BJU Int 99 : 749-752, 2007
8) European Association of Urology : EAU Guidelines on Neuro-Urology. 2018 https://uroweb.org/guidelines/neuro_urology (2022年4月25日閲覧)
錠5 mg添付文書. 2011年8月改訂
散5%添付文書. 2010年2月改訂 [第9版]