特集 即,実践! 小児の下部尿路機能障害の診療
1) Jessen AS, et al : Comparison and Characteristics of Children Successfully Treated for Daytime Urinary Incontinence. J Pediatr Urol 18 : 24.e1-9, 2022
2) 日本小児泌尿器科学会幼小児排尿指導管理ワーキンググループ : 幼小児の昼間尿失禁の治療とケアの手引き. 日小泌会誌29 : 3-19, 2020
3) Jansson U-B, et al : Voiding Pattern and Acquisition of Bladder Control from birth to 6 years. J Urol 174 : 289-293, 2005
4) 今村正明, 他 : 日本語版DVSS (Dysfunctional Voiding Symptom Score) の公式認証 : 小児質問票における言語学的問題を中心に. 日泌会誌105 : 112-121, 2014
5) 日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会, 他 (編) : 小児慢性機能性便秘症診療ガイドライン. 診断と治療社, 東京, 2013
6) von Gontard A, et al : Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Incontinence in Children and Adolescents : Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Intellectual Disability ― A Consensus Document of the International Children's Continence Society. Neurourol Urodyn 41 : 102-114, 2022
7) Joensson IM, et al : Transabdominal Ultrasound of Rectum as a Diagnostic Tool in Childhood Constipation. J Urol 179 : 1997-2002, 2008
8) Austin PF, et al : The Standardization of Terminology of Lower Urinary Tract Function in Children and Adolescents : Update Report from the Standardization Committee of the International Children's Continence Society. J Urol 191 : 1863-1865, 2014
9) Chang S-J, et al : Age and Gender-Specific Nomogram for Single and Dual Post-Void Residual Urine in Healthy Children. Neurourol Urodyn 32 : 1014-1018, 2013
10) Soliman MG, et al : Mirabegron versus Solifenacin in Children with Overactive Bladder : Prospective Randomized Single Blind Controlled Trial. Urol Int 105 : 1011-1017, 2021