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特集 消化器外科医に必要な低侵襲治療の知識


著者: 南康範1 鄭浩柄1 高橋俊介1 井上達夫1 上嶋一臣1 福永豊和1 工藤正俊1

所属機関: 1近畿大学医学部消化器内科

ページ範囲:P.1193 - P.1199




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16)Minami Y, Kudo M, Kawasaki T, et al:Percutaneous ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation with artificial pleural effusion for hepatocellular carcinoma in the hepatic dome. J Gastroenterol 38:1066-1070, 2003
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18)Minami Y, Kudo M, Kawasaki T, et al:Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation:usefulness of contrast harmonic sonography for lesions poorly defined with B-mode sonography. AJR 183:153-156, 2004
19)岩崎隆雄:肝癌に対するinterventional segmental ablationとreal-time virtual sonography.工藤正俊(編);消化器病セミナー97.へるす出版,2004,pp55-65
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26)Curley SA, Marra P, Beaty K, et al:Early and late complications after radiofrequency ablation of malignant liver tumors in 608 patients. Ann Surg 239:450-458, 2004
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