特集 外来がん化学療法と外科
1)大腸癌研究会(編):大腸癌治療ガイドライン 医師用.2005年版.金原出版,2005,pp29-33
3)三嶋秀行:大腸癌の補助化学療法―外科の立場から.消外 29:367-373,2006
4)三嶋秀行,池永雅一,辻仲利政,他:FOLFOX.癌と化療 33:911-914,2006
5)三嶋秀行:大腸癌の化学療法 レボホリナート・フルオロウラシル持続静注療法の実際.新薬と臨 54:768-783,2005
6)Maindrault-Goebel F, André T, Tournigand C, et al:Allergic-type reactions to oxaliplatin:retrospective analysis of 42 patients. Eur J Cancer 41:2262-2267, 2005
7)三嶋秀行:大腸癌化学療法の変遷.Radiology Frontier 9:148-150,2006
8)Portier G, Elias D, Bouche O, et al:Multicenter randomized trial of adjuvant fluorouracil and folinic acid compared with surgery alone after resection of colorectal liver metastases:FFCD ACHBTH AURC 9902 Trial. J Clin Oncol 24:4976-4982, 2006
9)Bilchik AJ, Poston G, Curley SA, et al:Neoadjuvant chemothrapy for metastatic colon cancer:a cautionary note. J Clin Oncol 23:9073-9078, 2005
10)Nordlinger B, Benoist S:Benefits and risks of neoadjuvant therapy for liver metastases J Clin Oncol 24:4954-4955, 2006
11)Mishima H, Kato T, Yanagisawa M, et al:Sequential treatment with irinotecan and doxifluridine:Optimal dosing schedule in murine models and in a phaseⅠ study for metastatic colorectal cancer. Chemotherapy 32-39, 2005