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特集 脾臓をめぐる最近のトピックス


著者: 佐藤好信1 山本智1 大矢洋1 中塚英樹1 小林隆1 原義明1 渡辺隆興1 小海秀央1 畠山勝義1

所属機関: 1新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科消化器・一般外科

ページ範囲:P.477 - P.489

要旨:成人生体肝移植の過小グラフトにおける肝障害においては,単純に物理的な力である過剰なshear stressが原因となって,ビリルビン代謝の中心であるHO(heme oxygenase-1)-CO systemに影響し,直接ビリルビン優位の高ビリルビン血症を呈する.これらを改善するには,過剰なshear stressを緩和してやる必要がある.その外科的手段として脾動脈結紮,脾摘,そしてporto-caval shunt(門脈下大静脈シャント術)がある.脾動脈結紮の効果が一時的であること,脾摘には出血や門脈血栓のリスクがあることなど,それぞれの合併症も踏まえ,グラフト体重比や門脈圧亢進症の程度を鑑みて相応しい手技を選択すべきである.


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2)Nakatsuka H, Sato Y, Yamamoto S, et al:Analysis of liver injury following adult small-for-size grafts in liver transplantation. Transplant Proc 35:80-81, 2003
3)Koyama S, Sato Y, Hatakeyama K:The subcutaneous splenic transposition prevents liver injury induced by excessive portal pressure after massive hepatectomy. Hepatogastroenterology 50:37-42, 2003
4)Sato Y, Koyama S, Tsukada K, et al:Acute portal hypertension reflecting shear stress as a trigger of liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy. Surgery Today 27:518-526, 1997
5)Nakatsuka H, Sokabe T, Yamamoto K, et al:Shear stress induces hepatocyte PAI-1 gene expression through cooperative Spl/Ets-1 activation of trans-cription. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 291:G26-G34, 2006
6)Sato Y, Nakatsuka H, Yamamoto S, et al:Coagulation and fibrinolytic systems during liver regeneration in the early period after adult living related partial liver transplantation. Transplant Proc 40:2501-2502, 2008
7)Hirano K, Sato Y, Yamamoto S, et al:Carbon monoxide hemoglobin and bilirubin metabolism in adult living-related liver transplantation. Hepatogastroenterology 50:1745-1748, 2003
8)Kobayashi T, Sato Y, Yamamoto S, et al:Augmentation of heme oxygenase-1 expression in the graft immediately after implantation in adult living donor liver transplantation. Transplantation 79:977-980, 2005
9)Sato Y, Yamamoto, Takeishi T, et al:New hepatic vein reconstruction by double expansion of outflow capacity of left graft liver in living-donor liver transplantation. Transplantation 76:882-884, 2003
10)Lo CH, Liu CL, Fan ST:Portal hypertension injury as the cause of primary nonfunction in a small-for-size liver graft successful treatment with splenic artery ligation. Liver Transpl 9:626-628, 2003
11)Yoshizumi T, Taketomi A, Soejima Y, et al:The beneficial role of simultaneous splenectomy in living donor liver transplantation in patients with small-for-size graft. Transpl Int 21:833-842, 2008
12)Tsukahara A, Sato Y, Yamamoto S, et al:Thrombopoietin levels and peripheral platelet counts following living related donor liver transplantation. Hepatogastroenterol 50:227-230, 2003
13)Sato Y, Kobayashi T, Nakatsuka H, et al:Splenic arterial ligation prevents liver injury after a major hepatectomy by a reduction of surplus portal hypertension in hepatocellular carcinoma patients with cirrhosis. Hepatogastroenterology 48:831-835, 2001
14)Sato Y, Yamamoto S, Oya H, et al:Splenectomy for reduction of excessive portal hypertension after adult living-related donor liver transplantation. Hepatogastroenterolog 49:1652-1655, 2002
15)Sato Y, Shimoda S, Takeda N, et al:Evaluation of splenic circulation after spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy by dividing the splenic artery and vein. Dig Surg 17:519-522, 2000
16)Balci D, Taner B, Dayangac M, et al:Splenic abscess after splenic artery ligation in living donor liver transplantation:a case report. Transplant Proc 40:1786-1788, 2008
17)Umeda Y, Yagi T, Sadamori H, et al:Effects of prophylactic splenic artery modulation on portal overperfusion and liver regeneration in small-for-size graft. Transplantation 86:673-680, 2008
18)Kokai H, Sato Y, Yamamoto S, et al:Successful super-small-for-size graft liver transplantation by decompression of portal hypertension via splenectomy and construction of a mesocaval shunt:a case report. Transplant Proc 40:2825-2827, 2008
19)Sato Y, Yamamoto S, Takeishi T, et al:Management of major portosystemic shunting in small-for-size adult living-related donor liver transplantation with a left-sided graft liver. Surg Today 36:354-360, 2006
20)Sato Y, Yamamoto S, Takeishi T, et al:Inferior mesenteric venous left renal vein shunting for decompression of excessive portal hypertension in adult living related liver transplantation. Transplant Proc 36:2234-2236, 2004
21)Hara Y, Sato Y, Yamamoto S, et al:Dispersion method of excessive portal hypertension(shear stress)and changes of portal pressure and flow after living-related liver transplantation with a splenorenal shunt:a case report. Transplant Proc 35:414-415, 2003





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