Managing an English-language teaching conference
著者: 小西文雄1
所属機関: 1自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター外科 2自治医科大学消化器一般外科
ページ範囲:P.507 - P.509
文献購入ページに移動本稿が本連載の最終回である.今回は,どのようにすれば英語の外科症例カンファランスを継続かつ発展させて,特に外科レジデントの将来に役立てることができるかについて述べる.In a previous article, we have discussed the basic elements for“Effective Oral Case Presentations”which are especially important for Japanese physicians and trainees who may ultimately receive training in North America where there are some significant differences in the style of presentations used. We also discussed“Common Problems with Case Presentations”that are encountered, especially when regular case presentations are prepared by residents in Japan. This article is intended to provide guidance for the successful administration of an English language conference in Japan.