特集 外科医のための大腸癌の診断と治療
■ICACT2009のコンセンサスでは,Cureが治療目標の患者がwild typeであれば,標準治療レジメンにセツキシマブを併用する.もしmutant typeであればベバシズマブを併用することが推奨されている.
■ICACT2009のコンセンサスでは,Cureが治療目標の患者がwild typeであれば,標準治療レジメンにセツキシマブを併用する.もしmutant typeであればベバシズマブを併用することが推奨されている.
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2)Folprecht G, Grothey A, Alberts S, et al:Neoadjuvant treatment of unresectable colorectal liver metastases:correlation between tumour response and resection rates. Ann Oncol 16:1311-1319, 2005
3)Saltz LB, Clarke S, Díaz-Rubio E, et al:Bevacizumab in combination with oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy as first-line therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer:a randomized phase Ⅲ study. J Clin Oncol 26:2013-2019, 2008
4)Van Cutsem E, Köhne CH, Hitre E, et al:Cetuximab and chemotherapy as initial treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer. N Engl J Med 360:1408-1417, 2009
5)Siena S, Cassidy J, Tabernero J, et al:Randomized phase Ⅲ study of panitumumab(pmab)with FOLFOX4 compared to FOLFOX4 alone as first-line treatment(tx)for metastatic colorectal cancer(mCRC):PRIME trial. 2010 Gastrointestinal Cancer Symposium Abst #283
6)Koopman M, Antonini NF, Douma J, et al:Sequential versus combination chemotherapy with capecitabine, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin in advanced colorectal cancer(CAIRO):a phase Ⅲ randomized controlled trial. Lancet 370:135-142, 2007
7)Seymour MT, Maughan TS, Ledermann JA, et al:Different strategies of sequential and combination chemotherapy for patients with poor prognosis advanced colorectal cancer(MRC FOCUS):a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 370:143-152, 2007
8)Tournigand C, Cervantes A, Figer A, et al:OPTIMOX1:a randomized study of FOLFOX4 or FOLFOX7 with oxaliplatin in a stop-and-Go fashion in advanced colorectal cancer:a GERCOR study. J Clin Oncol 24:394-400, 2006
9)André T, Tournigand C, Mineur L, et al:Phase Ⅱ study of an optimized 5-fluorouracil-oxaliplatin strategy(OPTIMOX2)with celecoxib in metastatic colorectal cancer:a GERCOR study. Ann Oncol 18:77-81, 2007
10)Tabernero J, Aranda R, Gomez A, et al:Phase Ⅲ study of first-line XELOX plus bevacizumab(BEV)for 6 cycles followed by XELOX plus BEV or single-agent(s/a)BEV as maintenance therapy in patients(pts)with metastatic colorectal cancer(mCRC):The MACRO Trial(Spanish Cooperative Group for the Treatment of Digestive Tumors[TTD]). Pro Am Soc Clin Oncol 2010, #3501
11)Adam R, Haller DG, Poston G, et al:Toward optimized front-line therapeutic strategies in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer:an expert review from the International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment(ICACT)2009. Ann Oncol 21:1579-1584, 2010