増刊号 ERAS時代の周術期管理マニュアル
Ⅳ 術中・術後合併症とその管理 1.消化器系
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2)Nygren J, Thacker J, Carli F, et al:Guidelines for perioperative care in elective rectal/pelvic surgery:Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) society recommendations. World J Surg 37:285-305, 2013
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7)Arya S, Markar SR, Karthikesalingam A, et al:The impact of pyloric drainage on clinical outcome following esophagectomy:a systemic review. Dis Esophagus, 2014[Epub ahead of print]
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10)Findlay JM, Gillies RS, Millo J, et al:Enhanced recovery for esophagectomy:a systemic review and evidence-based guidelines. Ann Surg 259:413-431, 2014