特集 外科切除適応の境界領域—Borderline resectable cancerへの対応
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6)Steger V, Walker T, Mustafi M, et al:Surgery on unfavourable persistent N2/N3 non-small-cell lung cancer after trimodal therapy:do the results justify the risk? Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 15:948-953, 2012
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13)Yildizeli B, Dartevelle PG, Fadel E, et al:Results of primary surgery with T4 non-small cell lung cancer during a 25-year period in a single center:the benefit is worth the risk. Ann Thorac Surg 86:1065-1075, 2008
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15)Galvaing G, Tardy MM, Cassagnes L:Left atrial resection for T4 lung cancer without cardiopulmonary bypass:technical aspects and outcomes. Ann Thorac Surg 97:1708-1713, 2014
16)Collaud S, Waddell TK, Yasufuku K, et al:Thoracic aortic endografting facilitates the resection of tumors infiltrating the aorta. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 147:1178-1182, 2014
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18)Sun Y, Zheng H, Chen Q, et al:Triple plasty of bronchus, pulmonary artery, and superior vena cava for non-small cell lung cancer. Ann Thorac Surg 95:420-424, 2013
19)Collaud S, Waddell TK, Yasufuku K, et al:Long-term outcome after en bloc resection of non-small-cell lung cancer invading the pulmonary sulcus and spine. J Thorac Oncol 8:1538-1544, 2013