2016 ASCO Annual Meetingは2016年6月3日から7日まで,米国イリノイ州シカゴのMcCormick Placeで開催された.大腸癌領域における第3相比較試験の結果としては,Stage Ⅱ大腸癌に対するUFTによる術後補助化学療法の効果を検証したSACURA trial1)の結果が発表された.切除不能進行・再発大腸癌に対する臨床試験としては,大規模第3相比較試験の結果の発表はなかったが,大腸癌原発巣の部位と予後や化学療法の効果との相関が分析された3演題が注目された.本論文ではこれらについて,発表を概説する.
1)Ishiguro M, Mochizuki H, Tomita N, et al:Study protocol of the SACURA trial:a randomized phase Ⅲ trial of efficacy and safety of UFT as adjuvant chemotherapy for stage Ⅱ colon cancer. BMC Cancer 12:281, 2012
2)Kajiwara Y, Ishiguro M, Teramukai S, et al:A randomized phase Ⅲ trial of 1-year adjuvant chemotherapy with oral tegafur-uracil(UFT)vs. surgery alone in stage Ⅱ colon cancer:SACURA trial. J Clin Oncol 34, 2016(suppl;abstr 3617)2016 ASCO Annual Meeting
4)Ishikawa T, Uetake H, Ishiguro M, et al, and SACURA study group:MSI, 18q LOH, and clinicopathological features in stage Ⅱ sporadic colon cancers:Biomarker study in a phase Ⅲ study of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy for stage Ⅱ colon cancer(SACURA trial). Cancer Res 75(15 Supplement):5274, 2015(abstr 5274)
5)Venook AP, Niedzwiecki D, Innocenti F, et al:Impact of primary(1°)tumor location on overall survival(OS)and progression-free survival(PFS)in patients(pts)with metastatic colorectal cancer(mCRC):Analysis of CALGB/SWOG 80405(Alliance). J Clin Oncol 34, 2016(suppl;abstr 3504), 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting
6)Park JR, Kreissman SG, London WB, et al:A phase Ⅲ randomized clinical trial(RCT)of tandem myeloablative autologous stem cell transplant(ASCT)using peripheral blood stem cell(PBSC)as consolidation therapy for high-risk neuroblastoma(HR-NB):A Children's Oncology Group(COG)study. J Clin Oncol 34, 2016(suppl;abstr LBA3)2016 ASCO Annual Meeting
7)Schrag D, Weng S, Brooks G, et al:The relationship between primary tumor sidedness and prognosis in colorectal cancer. J Clin Oncol 34, 2016(suppl;abstr 3505)2016 ASCO Annual Meeting
8)Lee MS, Advani SM, Morris J, et al:Association of primary site and molecular features with progression-free survival and overall survival of metastatic colorectal cancer after antiepidermal growth factor receptor therapy, J Clin Oncol 34:2016(suppl;abstr 3506)2016 ASCO Annual Meeting
9)Le DT, Uram JN, Wang H, et al:PD-1 Blockade in Tumors with Mismatch-Repair Deficiency. N Engl J Med 372:2509-2520, 2015