特集 がん治療医のための漢方ハンドブック
癌腫別 漢方の使い方
◆食道癌患者のquality of life(QOL)は,低栄養,術後の消化管機能障害などにより非常に低下しており,その予防対策が患者のQOLの改善に極めて重要である.
◆食道癌患者のquality of life(QOL)は,低栄養,術後の消化管機能障害などにより非常に低下しており,その予防対策が患者のQOLの改善に極めて重要である.
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2)Gunji S, Ueda S, Yoshida M, et al:Effects of rikkunshito, a kampo medicine, on quality of life after proximal gastrectomy. J Surg Res 185:575-580, 2013
3)Takeda H, Sadakane C, Hattori T, et al:Rikkunshito, an herbal medicine, suppresses cisplatin-induced anorexia in rats via 5-HT2 receptor antagonism. Gastroenterology 134:2004-2013, 2008
4)Arai M, Matsumura T, Tsuchiya N, et al:Rikkunshito improves the symptoms in patients with functional dyspepsia, accompanied by an increase in the level of plasma ghrelin. Hepatogastroenterology 59:62-66, 2012
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8)Matsumura T, Arai M, Yonemitsu Y, et al:The traditional Japanese medicine Rikkunshito increases the plasma level of ghrelin in humans and mice. J Gastroenterol 45:300-307, 2010
9)Sadakane C, Muto S, Nakagawa K, et al:10-Gingerol, a component of rikkunshito, improves cisplatin-induced anorexia by inhibiting acylated ghrelin degradation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 412:506-511, 2011
10)Fujitsuka N, Asakawa A, Uezono Y, et al:Potentiation of ghrelin signaling attenuates cancer anorexia-cachexia and prolongs survival. Transl Psychiatry 1:e23, 2011
11)Fujitsuka N, Asakawa A, Morinaga A, et al:Increased ghrelin signaling prolongs survival in mouse models of human aging through activation of sirtuin1. Mol Psychiatry 21:1613-1623, 2016
12)Nakamura M, Nakamori M, Ojima T, et al:The effects of rikkunshito on body weight loss after esophagectomy. J Surg Res 204:130-138, 2016
13)Hiura Y, Takiguchi S, Yamamoto K, et al:Fall in plasma ghrelin concentrations after cisplatin-based chemotherapy in esophageal cancer patients. Int J Clin Oncol 17:316-323, 2012
14)Seike J, Sawada T, Kawakita N, et al:A New Candidate Supporting Drug, Rikkunshito, for the QOL in Advanced Esophageal Cancer Patients with Chemotherapy Using Docetaxel/5-FU/CDDP. Int J Surg Oncol 2011:ID715623, 2011