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特集 癌手術エキスパートになるための道 領域別


著者: 瀬戸泰之1 森和彦2 愛甲丞1 八木浩一1 西田正人1 奥村康弘1 山下裕玄1 野村幸世1

所属機関: 1東京大学消化管外科 2三井記念病院外科

ページ範囲:P.1073 - P.1077

◆high volume centerで周術期管理も学ぶ.


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2)加納宣康:各施設の外科研修プログラム 亀田総合病院.臨外68:1166-1171,2013
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6)Nishigori T, Miyata H, Okabe H, et al:Impact of hospital volume on risk-adjusted mortality following oesophagectomy in Japan. Br J Surg 103:1880-1886, 2016
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8)瀬戸泰之,山下裕玄,愛甲 丞,他:「食道胃接合部癌手術」および「非胸腔アプローチによる食道癌手術」の現状.臨外73:526-530,2018
9)Fujiwara H, Shiozaki A, Konishi H, et al:Perioperative outcomes of single-port mediastinoscope-assisted transhiatal esophagectomy for thoracic esophageal cancer. Dis Esophagus 30:1-8, 2017
10)Mori K, Aikou S, Yagi K, et al:Techinical details of video-assisted transcervical mediastinal dissection for esophageal cancer and its perioperative outcome. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 1:232-237, 2017
11)Seto Y, Mori K, Aikou S:Robotic surgery for esophageal cancer:merits and demerits. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 1:193-198, 2017
12)Suda K, Ishida Y, Kawamura Y, et al:Robot-assisted thoracoscopic lymphadenectomy along the left recurrent laryngeal nerve for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in the prone position:technical report and short-term outcomes. World J Surg 36:1608-1616, 2012
13)Mori K, Yamagata Y, Aikou S, et al:Short-term outcomes of robotic radical esophagectomy for esophageal cancer by a nontransthoracic approach compared with conventional transthoracic surgery. Dis Esophagus 29:429-434, 2016
14)Yoshimura S, Mori K, Yamagata Y, et al:Quality of life after robot-assisted transmediastinal radical surgery for esophageal cancer. Surg Endosc 32:2249-2254, 2018
18)瀬戸泰之,愛甲 丞,森 和彦,他:縦隔鏡下食道癌根治術に欠かせない必須デバイス.手術72:9-15,2018
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