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特集 変貌する肝移植—適応拡大・ドナー選択・治療戦略の最先端を知る



著者: 上田佳秀1 安冨栄一郎1 畑澤友里1 林宏樹1 塩見優紀1 矢野嘉彦1

所属機関: 1神戸大学大学院医学研究科消化器内科

ページ範囲:P.1062 - P.1066




1)Ueda Y, Uemoto S:Interferon-free therapy for hepatitis C in liver transplant recipients. Transplantation 100:54-60, 2016
2)Akamatsu N, Sugawara Y, Kokudo N, et al:Outcomes of living donor liver transplantation for hepatitis C virus-positive recipients in Japan:results of a nationwide survey. Transpl Int 27:767-774, 2014
3)Ueda Y, Ikegami T, Soyama A, et al:Simeprevir or telaprevir with peginterferon and ribavirin for recurrent hepatitis C after living-donor liver transplantation:a Japanese multicenter experience. Hepatol Res 46:1285-1293, 2016
4)HEP Drug Interactions. University of Liverpool. 〔https://www.hep-druginteractions.org/checker〕(URLアクセス:2020.04.22)
5)Ikegami T, Ueda Y, Akamatsu N, et al:Asunaprevir and daclatasvir for recurrent hepatitis C after liver transplantation:A Japanese multicenter experience. Clin Transplant 31, 2017
6)Ueda Y, Ikegami T, Akamatsu N, et al:Treatment with sofosbuvir and ledipasvir without ribavirin for 12 weeks is highly effective for recurrent hepatitis C virus genotype 1b infection after living donor liver transplantation:a Japanese multicenter experience. J Gastroenterol 52:986-991, 2017
7)Ueda Y, Kobayashi T, Ikegami T, et al:Efficacy and safety of glecaprevir and pibrentasvir treatment for 8 or 12 weeks in patients with recurrent hepatitis C after liver transplantation:a Japanese multicenter experience. J Gastroenterol 54:660-666, 2019
8)Miuma S, Miyaaki H, Soyama A, et al:Utilization and efficacy of elbasvir/grazoprevir for treating hepatitis C virus infection after liver transplantation. Hepatol Res 48:1045-1054, 2018
9)Agarwal K, Castells L, Müllhaupt B, et al:Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir for 12 weeks in genotype 1-4 HCV-infected liver transplant recipients. J Hepatol 69:603-607, 2018
10)Takehara T, Sakamoto N, Nishiguchi S, et al:Efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir-velpatasvir with or without ribavirin in HCV-infected Japanese patients with decompensated cirrhosis:an open-label phase 3 trial. J Gastroenterol 54:87-95, 2019
11)El-Sherif O, Jiang ZG, Tapper EB, et al:Baseline factors associated with improvements in decompensated cirrhosis after direct-acting antiviral therapy for hepatitis C virus infection. Gastroenterology 154:2111-2121, 2018
12)European Association for the Study of the Liver:EASL recommendations on treatment of hepatitis C 2018. J Hepatol 69:461-511, 2018





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