特集 ロボット膵切除の導入ガイド—先行施設にノウハウを学ぶ
1)Melvin WS, Needleman BJ, Krause KR, et al:Computer-enhanced robotic telesurgery. Initial experience in foregut surgery. Surg Endosc 16:1790-1792, 2002
2)Giulianotti PC, Coratti A, Angelini M, et al:Robotics in general surgery:personal experience in a large community hospital. Arch Surg 138:777-784, 2003
3)Hasegawa H, Takahashi A, Kakeji Y, et al:Surgical outcomes of gastroenterological surgery in Japan:report of the National Clinical Database 2011-2017. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 3:426-450, 2019
4)Liu Z, Peneva IS, Evison F, et al:Ninety day mortality following pancreatoduodenectomy in England:has the optimum centre volume been identified? HPB(Oxford)20:1012-1020, 2018
5)Nassour I, Winters SB, Hoehn R, et al:Long-term oncologic outcomes of robotic and open pancreatectomy in a national cohort of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. J Surg Oncol 122:234-242, 2020
6)Podda M, Gerardi C, Di Saverio S, et al:Robotic-assisted versus open pancreaticoduodenectomy for patients with benign and malignant periampullary disease:a systematic review and meta-analysis of short-term outcomes. Surg Endosc 34:2390-2409, 2020
7)Xourafas D, Ashley SW, Clancy TE:Comparison of perioperative outcomes between open, laparoscopic, and robotic distal pancreatectomy:an analysis of 1815 patients from the ACS-NSQIP procedure-targeted pancreatectomy database. J Gastrointest Surg 21:1442-1452, 2017
8)Nakata K, Yamamoto H, Miyata H, et al:Definition of the objective threshold of pancreatoduodenectomy with nationwide data systems. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 27:107-113, 2020
9)Shi Y, Wang W, Qiu W, et al:Learning curve from 450 cases of robot-assisted pancreaticoduocectomy in a high-volume pancreatic center:optimization of operative procedure and a retrospective study. Ann Surg, 2019 Oct 22. doi:10.1097/SLA.0000000000003664
10)Zhang XF, Lopez-Aguiar AG, Poultsides G, et al:Minimally invasive versus open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors:An analysis from the U.S. neuroendocrine tumor study group. J Surg Oncol 120:231-240, 2019
11)Shyr BU, Chen SC, Shyr YM, et al:Learning curves for robotic pancreatic surgery-from distal pancreatectomy to pancreaticoduodenectomy. Medicine(Baltimore)97:e13000, 2018
12)van Hilst J, de Rooij T, Abu Hilal M, et al:Worldwide survey on opinions and use of minimally invasive pancreatic resection. HPB(Oxford)19:190-204, 2017
13)Beane JD, Zenati M, Hamad A, et al:Robotic pancreatoduodenectomy with vascular resection:outcomes and learning curve. Surgery 166:8-14, 2019
14)Kauffmann EF, Napoli N, Menonna F, et al:Robotic pancreatoduodenectomy with vascular resection. Langenbecks Arch Surg 401:1111-1122, 2016
15)Marino MV, Giovinazzo F, Podda M, et al:Robotic-assisted pancreaticoduodenectomy with vascular resection. Description of the surgical technique and analysis of early outcomes. Surg Oncol 35:344-350, 2020
16)Girgis MD, Zenati MS, Steve J, et al:Robotic approach mitigates perioperative morbidity in obese patients following pancreaticoduodenectomy. HPB(Oxford)19:93-98, 2017
17)Kamarajah SK, Bundred J, Marc OS, et al:Robotic versus conventional laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Surg Oncol 46:6-14, 2020
18)Nassour I, Choti MA, Porembka MR, et al:Robotic-assisted versus laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy:oncological outcomes. Surg Endosc 32:2907-2913, 2018
19)Rosemurgy AS, Luberice K, Krill E, et al:100 robotic distal pancreatectomies:the future at hand. Am Surg 86:958-964, 2020
20)Zhou J, Lv Z, Zou H, et al:Up-to-date comparison of robotic-assisted versus open distal pancreatectomy:a PRISMA-compliant meta-analysis. Medicine(Baltimore)99:e20435, 2020
21)Shakir M, Boone BA, Polanco PM, et al:The learning curve for robotic distal pancreatectomy:an analysis of outcomes of the first 100 consecutive cases at a high-volume pancreatic centre. HPB(Oxford)17:580-586, 2015
22)Napoli N, Kauffmann EF, Perrone VG, et al:The learning curve in robotic distal pancreatectomy. Updates Surg 67:257-264, 2015
23)Weng Y, Jin J, Huo Z, et al:Robotic-assisted versus open distal pancreatectomy for benign and low-grade malignant pancreatic tumors:a propensity score-matched study. Surg Endosc, 2020 Aug 11. doi:10.1007/S00464-020-07639-9
24)Yang SJ, Hwang HK, Kang CM, et al:Revisiting the potential advantage of robotic surgical system in spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy over conventional laparoscopic approach. Ann Transl Med 8:188, 2020
25)Watson MD, Baimas-George MR, Thompson KJ, et al:Improved oncologic outcomes for minimally invasive left pancreatectomy:Propensity-score matched analysis of the National Cancer Database. J Sure Oncol, 2020 Aug 08. doi:10.1002/jso.26147