特集 進化する外科教育と手術トレーニング
◆人工知能(artificial intelligece:AI)を用いた手術技能評価はコーチングに有用な可能性がある.
◆人工知能(artificial intelligece:AI)を用いた手術技能評価はコーチングに有用な可能性がある.
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7)Soucisse ML, Boulva K, Sideris L, et al:Video coaching as an efficient teaching method for surgical residents-a randomized controlled trial. J Surg Educ 74:365-371, 2017
8)Stein SL, Chu JT, Merrill A, et al:Implementation of a coaching program by a National Surgical Association. J Surg Educ 79:1471-1479, 2022
9)Fainstad T, Mann A, Suresh K, et al:Effect of a novel online group-coaching program to reduce burnout in female resident physicians:a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Netw Open 5:e2210752, 2022
10)Palamara K, McKinley SK, Chu JT, et al:Impact of a virtual professional development coaching program on the professional fulfillment and well-being of women surgery residents:a randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg 277:188-195, 2023
11)Valanci-Aroesty S, Gtz-de-V JM, Feldman LS, et al:Reciprocal peer coaching for practice improvement in surgery:a pilot study. Surg Endosc 36:7187-7203, 2022
12)Gagliardi AR, Wright FC:Exploratory evaluation of surgical skills mentorship program design and outcomes. J Contin Educ Health Prof 30:51-56, 2010
13)Mutabdzic D, Mylopoulos M, Murnaghan ML, et al:Coaching surgeons:is culture limiting our ability to improve? Ann Surg 262:213-216, 2015
14)Shafa G, Kiani P, Masino C, et al:Training for excellence:using a multimodal videoconferencing platform to coach surgeons and improve intraoperative performance. Surg Endosc 37:9406-9413, 2023
15)Yang JH, Goodman ED, Dawes AJ, et al:Using AI and computer vision to analyze technical proficiency in robotic surgery. Surg Endosc 37:3010-3017, 2023
16)Levin M, McKechnie T, Khalid S, et al:Automated methods of technical skill assessment in surgery:a systematic review. J Surg Educ 76:1629-1639, 2019
17)Gendia A:Cloud based AI-driven video analytics(CAVs)in laparoscopic surgery:a step closer to a virtual portfolio. Cureus 14:e29087, 2022