特集 徹底解説 大腸癌治療ガイドライン2024
◆薬物療法の適応となる患者に対するステント治療は,穿孔のリスク,重要なkey drugである血管新生阻害薬の使用を制限し予後を短縮するリスクがあるため,推奨されない.
◆Bridge to surgery(BTS)としてのステント治療は複数の利点があり弱く推奨されるが,直腸癌では肛門温存が不可能になる場合もあることに注意する.
◆薬物療法の適応となる患者に対するステント治療は,穿孔のリスク,重要なkey drugである血管新生阻害薬の使用を制限し予後を短縮するリスクがあるため,推奨されない.
◆Bridge to surgery(BTS)としてのステント治療は複数の利点があり弱く推奨されるが,直腸癌では肛門温存が不可能になる場合もあることに注意する.
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3)Liang TW, Sun Y, Wei TC, et al:Palliative treatment of malignant colorectal obstruction caused by advanced malignancy:a self-expanding metallic stent or surgery? A system review and meta-analysis. Surg Today 44:22-33, 2014
4)Ribeiro IB, Bernardo WM, Martins BDC, et al:Colonic stent versus emergency surgery as treatment of malignant colonic obstruction in the palliative setting:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Endosc Int Open 6:e558-e567, 2018
5)Takahashi H, Okabayashi K, Tsuruta M, et al:Self-expanding metallic stents versus surgical intervention as palliative therapy for obstructive colorectal cancer:a meta-analysis. World J Surg 39:2037-2044, 2015
6)van Hooft JE, Veld JV, Arnold D, et al:Self-expandable metal stents for obstructing colonic and extracolonic cancer:European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy(ESGE)Guideline-Update 2020. Endoscopy 52:389-407, 2020
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8)Park JJ, Rhee K, Yoon JY, et al.:Impact of peritoneal carcinomatosis on clinical outcomes of patients receiving self-expandable metal stents for malignant colorectal obstruction. Endoscopy 50:1163-1174, 2018
9)厚生労働省医薬食品局安全対策課:消化管用ステントに係る使用上の注意の改訂について.薬食安発1107第1号,薬食機発1107第1号,2012 http://www.pmda.go.jp/files/000148167.pdf(2024年7月10日アクセス)
10)Imbulgoda A, MacLean A, Heine J, et al:Colonic perforation with intraluminal stents and bevacizumab in advanced colorectal cancer:retrospective case series and literature review. Can J Surg 58:167-171, 2015
11)van Hooft JE, van Halsema EE, Vanbiervliet G, et al:Self-expandable metal stents for obstructing colonic and extracolonic cancer:European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy(ESGE)Clinical Guideline. Gastrointest Endosc 80:747-761, e1-e75, 2014
12)van Halsema EE, van Hooft JE, Small AJ, et al:Perforation in colorectal stenting:a meta-analysis and a search for risk factors. Gastrointest Endosc 79:970-982 e7, 2014
13)Yang P, Lin XF, Lin K, et al:The role of stents as bridge to surgery for acute left-sided obstructive colorectal cancer:meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Rev Invest Clin 70:269-278, 2018
14)Foo CC, Poon SHT, Chiu RHY, et al:Is bridge to surgery stenting a safe alternative to emergency surgery in malignant colonic obstruction:a meta-analysis of randomized control trials. Surg Endosc 33:293-302, 2019
15)Wang X, He J, Chen X, et al:Stenting as a bridge to resection versus emergency surgery for left-sided colorectal cancer with malignant obstruction:A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Surg 48:64-68, 2017
16)Arezzo A, Passera R, Lo Secco G, et al:Stent as bridge to surgery for left-sided malignant colonic obstruction reduces adverse events and stoma rate compared with emergency surgery:results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Gastrointest Endosc 86:416-426, 2017
17)Amelung FJ, Burghgraef TA, Tanis PJ, et al:Critical appraisal of oncological safety of stent as bridge to surgery in left-sided obstructing colon cancer;a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 131:66-75, 2018
18)Zhang J, Zhu H, Yang W, et al:Endoscopic stent versus diverting stoma as a bridge to surgery for obstructive colorectal cancer:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Langenbecks Arch Surg 407:3275-3285, 2022
19)Cirocchi R, Arezzo A, Sapienza P, et al:Current Status of the Self-Expandable Metal Stent as a Bridge to Surgery Versus Emergency Surgery in Colorectal Cancer:Results from an Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Literature. Medicina(Kaunas)57:268, 2021
20)Hu Y, Fan J, Xv Y, et al:Comparison of safety between self-expanding metal stents as a bridge to surgery and emergency surgery based on pathology:a meta-analysis. BMC Surg 20:255, 2020
21)Cao Y, Gu J, Deng S, et al:Long-term tumour outcomes of self-expanding metal stents as ‘bridge to surgery' for the treatment of colorectal cancer with malignant obstruction:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Colorectal Dis 34:1827-1838, 2019
22)Arezzo A, Forcignan ó E, Bonino MA, et al.:Long-term Oncologic Results After Stenting as a Bridge to Surgery Versus Emergency Surgery for Malignant Left-sided Colonic Obstruction:A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial(ESCO Trial). Ann Surg 272:703-708, 2020
23)CReST Collaborative Group:Colorectal Endoscopic Stenting Trial(CReST)for obstructing left-sided colorectal cancer:randomized clinical trial. Br J Surg 109:1073-1080, 2022
24)大腸ステント安全手技研究会:大腸ステント安全留置のためのミニガイドライン.大腸ステント安全留置のポイントver. 2,2019 https://colon-stent.com/?318_page.html(2024年7月10日アクセス)