今月の臨床 腫瘍マーカー─基礎知識と診療指針
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12) Meier W, Stieber P, Hasholzner U, et al : Prognostic significance of CA125 in patients with ovarian cancer and secondary debulking surgery. Anticancer Res 17 : 2945─2947, 1997
13) Gadducci A, Landoni F, Maggino T, et al : Serum CA125 assay at the time of relapse has no prognostic relevance in patients undergoing chemotherapy for recurrent ovarian cancer : a multicenter Italian study. Int J Gynecol Cancer 7 : 76─83, 1997
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15) Vergote I, Rustin GJS, Eisenhauer AE, et al : Use of CA─125 to define progression of ovarian cancer in patients with persistently elevated levels. J Clin Oncol 92 : 2654─2666, 2000