今月の臨床 骨粗鬆症をめぐる新しい話題
1) Johnell O, Kanis JA : An estimate of the worldwide prevalence, mortality and disability associated with hip fracture. Osteoporosis Int 15 : 897─902, 2004
2) Nordin BE, et al : Calcium in human biology. Springer─Verlag, London, 1988
3) Welten DC, Kemper HCG, Post GB, et al : A meta─analysis of the effect of calcium intake on bone mass in young and middle aged females and males. J Nutr 125 : 2802─2813, 1995
4) Cumming RG : Calcium intake and bone mass : a quantitative review of the evidence. Calcif Tissue Int 47 : 194─201, 1990
5) Xu L, McElduff P, D’Este C, et al : Does dietary calcium have a protective effect on bone fractures in women?A meta─analysis of observational studies. Br J Nutr 91 : 625─634, 2004
6) 厚生労働省健康局総務課生活習慣病対策室.食事摂取基準(2005年版)(日本人の栄養所要量─食事摂取基準─策定検討会報告書).厚生労働省,2004
7) Shea B, Wells G, Cranney A, et al : Meta─analyses of therapies for postmenopausal osteoporosis. VII. Meta─analysis of calcium supplementation for the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Endocr Rev 23 : 552─559, 2002
8) Papadimitropoulos E, Wells G, Shea B, et al : Meta─analyses of therapies for postmenopausal osteoporosis. VIII : Meta─analysis of the efficacy of vitamin D treatment in preventing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Endocr Rev 23 : 560─569, 2002
9) Tucker KL, Hannan MT, Chen H, et al : Potassium, magnesium, and fruit and vegetable intakes are associated with greater bone mineral density in elderly men and women. Am J Clin Nutr 69 : 727─736, 1999
10) Setchell KD, Lydeking─Olsen E : Dietary phytoestrogens and their effect on bone : evidence from in vitro and in vivo, human observational, and dietary intervention studies. Am J Clin Nutr 78(3 Suppl): 593S─609S, 2003
11) Kanis JA, Johansson H, Johnell O, et al : Alcohol intake as a risk factor for fracture. Osteoporos Int 2004(Epub ahead of print)
12) Dawson─Hughes B, Shipp C, Sadowski L, et al : Bone density of the radius, spine, and hip in relation to percent of ideal body weight in postmenopausal women. Calcif Tissue Int 40 : 310─314, 1987
13) Margolis KL, Ensrud KE, Schreiner PJ, et al : Body size and risk for clinical fractures in older women. Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group. Ann Intern Med 133(2): 123─127, 2000
14) Douchi T, Kuwahata R, Matsuo T, et al : Relative contribution of lean and fat mass component to bone mineral density in males. J Bone Miner Metab 21 : 17─21, 2003
15) Kelley GA, Kelley KS, Tran ZV : Exercise and bone mineral density in men : a meta─analysis. J Appl Physiol 88 : 1730─1736, 2000
16) Wallace BA, Cumming RG : Systematic review of randomized trials of the effect of exercise on bone mass in pre─ and postmenopausal women. Calcif Tissue Int 67 : 10─18, 2000
17) Feskanich D, Willett W, Colditz G : Walking and leisure─time activity and risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. JAMA 288 : 2300─2306, 2002
18) Prentice A : Diet, nutrition and the prevention of osteoporosis. Public Health Nutr 7(1A): 227─243, 2004