今月の臨床 早産─予防と対策
1) Ugwumadu A, Manyonda I, Reid F, et al : Effect of early oral clindamycin on late miscarriage and preterm delivery in asymptomatic women with abnormal vaginal flora and bacterial vaginosis : a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 361(9362): 983─988, 2003
2) Mascagni JR, Miller LH : A descriptive correlational study of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy and its association with preterm birth : implications for advanced practice nurses. J Am Acad Nurse Pract 12 : 555─560, 2004
3) Oakeshott P, Kerry S, Hay S, et al : Bacterial vaginosis and preterm birth : a prospective community─based cohort study. Br J Gen Pract 499 : 119─122, 2004
4) Leitich H, Brunbauer M, Bodner─Adler B, et al : Antibiotic treatment of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy : a meta─analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 188 : 752─758, 2003
5) Romero R, Chaiworapongsa T, Kuivaniemi H, et al : Bacterial vaginosis, the inflammatory response and the risk of preterm birth : a role for genetic epidemiology in the prevention of preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 190 : 1509─1519, 2004
6) Romero R, Chaiworapongsa T, Espinoza J : Micronutrients and intrauterine infection, preterm birth and the fetal inflammatory response syndrome. J Nutr 133(5 Suppl 2): 1668S─1673S, 2003
7) Goncalves LF, Chaiworapongsa T, Romero R : Intrauterine infection and prematurity. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev 8 : 3─13, Review, 2002
8) Gerber S, Vial Y, Hohlfeld P, et al : Detection of Ureaplasma urealyticum in second─trimester amniotic fluid by polymerase chain reaction correlates with subsequent preterm labor and delivery. J Infect Dis 187 : 518─521, 2003
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12) Dinarello CA : The IL─1 family and inflammatory diseases. Clin Exp Rheumatol 20(5 Suppl 27): S1─13, Review, 2002
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19) Steinborn A, Gunes H, Roddiger S, et al : Elevated placental cytokine release, a process associated with preterm labor in the absence of intrauterine infection. Obstet Gynecol 88(4 Pt 1): 534─539, 1996
20) Romero R, Avila C, Santhanam U, et al : Amniotic fluid interleukin 6 in preterm labor. Association with infection. J Clin Invest 85 : 1392─1400, 1990
21) Romero R, Mazor M, Tartakovsky B : Systemic administration of interleukin─1 induces preterm parturition in mice. J Obstet Gynecol 165(4 Pt 1): 969─971, 1991
22) Hillier SL, Witkin SS, Krohn MA, et al : The relationship of amniotic fluid cytokines and preterm delivery, amniotic fluid infection, histologic chorioamnionitis, and chorioamnion infection. Obstet Gynecol 81 : 941─948, 1993
23) Smith R, Mesiano S, Chan EC, et al : Corticotropin─releasing hormone directly and preferentially stimulates dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate secretion by human fetal adrenal cortical cells. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 83 : 2916─2920, 1998
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32) Fidel PI Jr, Romero R, Maymon E, et al : Bacteria─induced or bacterial product─induced preterm parturition in mice and rabbits is preceded by a significant fall in serum progesterone concentrations. J Matern Fetal Med 7 : 222─226, 1998
33) Pieber D, Allport VC, Bennett PR : Progesterone receptor isoform A inhibits isoform B─mediated transactivation in human amnion. Eur J Pharmacol 427 : 7─11, 2001
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36) Meis PJ, Klebanoff M, Thom E, et al : National Institute of Prevention of recurrent preterm delivery by 17 alpha─hydroxyprogesterone caproate. N Engl J Med 348 : 2379─2385, 2003
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38) Macones GA, Parry S, Elkousy M, et al : A polymorphism in the promoter region of TNF and bacterial vaginosis : preliminary evidence of gene─environment interaction in the etiology of spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 190 : 1504─1508, discussion 3A, 2004
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40) Smith R, Mesiano S, McGrath S : Hormone trajectories leading to human birth. Regul Pept 108 : 159─164, Review, 2002
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42) Narahara H, Johnston JM : Effects of endotoxins and cytokines on the secretion of platelet─activating factor─acetylhydrolase by human decidual macrophages. Am J Obstet Gynecol 169 : 531─537, 1993
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46) Chaiworapongsa T, Romero R, Espinoza J, et al : Macrophage migration inhibitory factor in patients with preterm parturition and microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 18 : 405─416, 2005
47) Molnar M, Romero R, Hertelendy F : Interleukin─1 and tumor necrosis factor stimulate arachidonic acid release and phospholipid metabolism in human myometrial cells. Am J Obstet Gynecol 169 : 825─829, 1993
48) Romero R, Tartakovsky B : The natural interleukin─1 receptor antagonist prevents interleukin─1─induced preterm delivery in mice. Am J Obstet Gynecol 167(4 Pt 1): 1041─1045, 1992
49) Yoshimura K, Hirsch E : Effect of stimulation and antagonism of interleukin─1 signaling on preterm delivery in mice. J Soc Gynecol Investig 12 : 533─538, 2005
50) Seyffarth G, Nelson PN, Dunmore SJ, et al : Lipopolysaccharide induces nitric oxide synthase expression and platelet─activating factor increases nitric oxide production in human fetal membranes in culture. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 10 : 2, 2004
51) Fortunato SJ, Menon R, Lombardi SJ : Support for an infection─induced apoptotic pathway in human fetal membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 184 : 1392─1397, discussion, 1397─1398, 2001
52) Fortunato SJ, Menon R : IL─1 beta is a better inducer of apoptosis in human fetal membranes than IL─6. Placenta 24 : 922─928, 2003
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59) Wadhwa PD, Garite TJ, Porto M, et al : Placental corticotropin─releasing hormone(CRH),spontaneous preterm birth, and fetal growth restriction : a prospective investigation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 191 : 1063─1069, 2004
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62) Sakai M, Shiozaki A, Tabata M, et al : Evaluation of effectiveness of prophylactic cerclage of a short cervix according to interleukin─8 in cervical mucus. Am J Obstet Gynecol 194 : 14─19, 2006
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