今月の臨床 不妊診療─現在の課題と将来展望
1)Gottlieb C, Lalos O, Lindblad F:Disclosure of donor insemination to the child:the impact of Swedish legislation on couples’attitudes. Hum Reprod 21:193-203, 2000
2)Ethics committee of ASRM. Fertil Steril 81:527-531, 2004
3)McGee G, Brakman SV, Gurmankin AD:Gamete donation and anonymity:disclosure to children conceived with donor gametes should not be optional. Hum Reprod 16:2033-2038(Comment in: Hum Reprod 16:2036-2038, 2001), 2001
4)Lycett E, Daniels K, Curson R, Golombok S:Offspring created as a result of donor insemination:a study of family relationships, child adjustment, and disclosure. Fertil Steril 82:172-179, 2004
5)Scheib JE, Riordan M, Rubin S:Adolescents with open-identity sperm donors:reports from 12-17 year olds. Hum Reprod 20:239-252, 2005
6)Patrizio P, Mastroianni AC, Mastroianni L:Gamete donation and anonymity:disclosure to children conceived with donor gametes should be optional. Hum Reprod 16:2036-2038, 2001
7)Leeb-Lundberg S, Kjellberg S, Sydsjo G:Helping parents to tell their children about the use of donor insemination(DI)and determining their opinions about open-identity sperm donors. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 85:78-81, 2006