今月の臨床 中高年女性のトータルヘルスケア
1) メタボリックシンドローム診断基準検討委員会 : 日内会誌 94 : 188-203,2005
2) Ishizaka N, Ishizaka Y, Toda E, et al : Hypertension is the most common component of metabolic syndrome and the greatest contribution to carotid arteriosclerosis in apparently healthy Japanese individuals. Hypertens Res 28 : 27-34, 2005
3) Segura J, Ruilope LM : Antihypertensive therapy in patients with metabolic syndrome. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 15 : 493-497, 2006
4) Chrostowska M, Szczech R, Narkiewicz K : Antihypertensive therapy in the obese hypertensive patients. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 15 : 487-492, 2006
5) Francischetti EA, Genelhu VA : Obesity-hyper tension ; an ongoing panedemic. Int J Clin Pract 61 : 269-280, 2007
6) Goodfriend TL, Calhoun DA : Resistant hypertension, obesity, sleep apnea, and aldosterone : theory and therapy. Hypertension 43 : 518-524, 2004
7) Rahmouni K, Correia ML, Hynes WG, et al : Obesity-associated hypertension : new insights into mechanisms. Hypertension 45 : 9-14, 2005
8) Engeli S, Bohnke J, Gorzelniak K, et al : Weight loss and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Hypertension 45 : 356-362, 2005
9) Ehrhart-Bornstein M, Lamounier-Zepter V, Schraven A, et al : Human adipocytes secrete mineralocorticoid-releasing factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100 : 14211-14216, 2003
10) Pratt-Ubunama MN, Nishizaka MK, Boedefeld RL, et al : Plasma aldosterone is related to severity of obstructive sleep apnea in subjects with resistant hypertension. Chest 131 : 453-459, 2007
11) Cascella T, Palomba S, Tauchmanova L, et al : Serum aldosterone concentration and cardiovascular risk in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91 : 4395-4400, 2006
12) Wassertheil-Smoller S, Psaty B, Greenland P, et al : Assiciation between cardiovascular outcomes and antihypertensive drug treatment in older women. JAMA 292 : 2849-2859, 2004
13) Oparil S : Women and hypertension. What did we learn from the Women's Health Initiative? Cardiology Rev 14 : 267-275, 2006