今月の臨床 卵巣癌診療の最新情報
卵巣がん治療ガイドラインが発刊・改訂された現時点で1),難治性腺癌に対する個別化治療の検討が次の課題であろう.特に日本では明細胞腺癌は際立って多く,漿液性腺癌に次ぐ第2の組織亜型であり,粘液性腺癌を合わせると卵巣癌の約35%に達し,これらの予後改善なくして卵巣癌の予後改善はない.研究的にもcompetitiveな領域であり,translational studyとして重要な課題である.
卵巣がん治療ガイドラインが発刊・改訂された現時点で1),難治性腺癌に対する個別化治療の検討が次の課題であろう.特に日本では明細胞腺癌は際立って多く,漿液性腺癌に次ぐ第2の組織亜型であり,粘液性腺癌を合わせると卵巣癌の約35%に達し,これらの予後改善なくして卵巣癌の予後改善はない.研究的にもcompetitiveな領域であり,translational studyとして重要な課題である.
1) 婦人科腫瘍学会(編) : 卵巣がん治療ガイドライン2007年版.金原出版,東京,2007
2) Horiuchi A, Itoh K, Shimizu M, et al : Toward understanding the natural history of ovarian carcinoma development : a clinicopathological approarch. Gynecol Oncol 88 : 309─317, 2003
3) Fukunaga M, Nomura K, Ushigome S : Ovarian atypical endometriosis : its close association with malignant epithelial tumours. Histopathology 30 : 249─255, 1997
4) Sainz de la Cuesta R, Izquierdo M, Canamero M, et al : Increased prevalence of p53 overexpression from typical endometriosis to atypical endometriosis and ovarian cancer associated with endometriosis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 113 : 87─93, 2004
5) Obata K, Hoshiai H : Common genetic changes between endometriosis and ovarian cancer. Gynecol Obstet Invest 50 : 39─43, 2000
6) Ogawa S, Kaku T, Amada S, Kobayashi H, et al : Ovarian endometriosis associated with ovarian carcinoma : a clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study. Gynecol Oncol 77 : 298─304, 2000
7) Toki T, Fujii S, Silverberg SG : A clinicopathologic study on the association of endometriosis and carcinoma of the ovary using a scoring system. Int J Gynecol Cancer 6 : 68─75, 1996
8) Pectasides D, Fountzilas G, Aravantinos G, et al : Advanced stage mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer : the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group experience. Gynecol Oncol 97 : 436─441, 2005
9) Hess V, A'Hern R, Nasiri N, et al : Mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer : a separate entity requiring specific treatment. J Ciln Oncol 22 : 1040─1044, 2004
10) Sugiyama T, Kamura T, Kigawa J, et al : Clinical characteristics of clear cell carcinoma of the ovary. A distinct histologic tyoe with poor prognosis and resistance to platinum─based chemotherapy. Cancer 88 : 2584─2589, 2000
11) Ho CM, Huang YJ, Chen TC, et al : Pure─type clear cell carcinoma of the ovary as a distinct histological type and improved survival in patients treated with paclitaxel─platinum─based chemotherapy in pure─type advanced disease. Gynecol Oncol 94 : 197─203, 2004
12) Pectasides D, Fountzilas G, Aravantinos G, et al : Advanced stage clear─cell epithelial ovarian cancer : The Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group experience. Gynecol Oncol 102 : 285─291, 2006
13) Utsunomiya H, Akahira J, Tanno S, et al : Paclitaxel─platinum combination chemotherapy for advanced or recurrent ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma : A multicenter trial. Int J Gynecol Cancer 15 : 1─5, 2005
14) Enomoto T, Kuragaki C, Yamasaki M, et al : Is clear cell carcinoma and mucinous carcinoma of the ovary sensitive to combination chemotherapy with paclitaxel and carboplatin? Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 22 : 447(#1797), 2003
15) Takano M, Sugiyama T, Yaegashi N, et al : Progression─free survival and overall survival of patients with clear cell carcinoma of the ovary treated with paclitaxel─carboplatin or irinotecan─cisplatin : retrospective analysis. Int J Clin Oncol 12 : 256─260, 2007
16) Takano M, Sugiyama T, Tanaka T, et al : Comparison of irinotecan and cisplatin(CPT─P)versus paclitaxel and carboplatin(TC), as first─line chemotherapy for clear cell carcinoma(CCC) : Japanese Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. ESGO (Berlin)Abstr #1107, 2007
17) Takano M, Kikuchi Y, Yaegasghi N, et al : Adjuvant chemotherapy with irinotecan hydrochloride and cisplatin for clear cell carcinoma of the ovary. Oncol Rep 16 : 1301─1306, 2006
18) Sugiyama T, Fujiwara K : Clear cell carcinoma of the ovary. ASCO educational book, pp313─326, 2007
19) Takano M, Kikuchi Y, Yaegashi N, et al : Clear cell carcinoma of the ovary : A retrospective multicentre experience of 254 patients with complete surgical staging. Br J Cancer 94 : 1369─1371, 2006
20) JGOG http: //jgog.gr.jp
21) Shimada M, Kigawa J, Nishimura R, et al : Clinical characteristics of mucinous adenocarcinoma of the ovary. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 23 : 469s(#5061), 2005
22) Seidman JD, Kurman RJ, Ronnett BM : Primary and metastatic mucinous adenocarcinomas in the ovaries. Am J Surg Pathol 27 : 985─993, 2003
23) Gore M : Rare subtype of ovarian cancer : mucinous carcinoma of the ovary. ASCO education session, 2007