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今月の臨床 卵巣癌診療の最新情報



著者: 工藤一弥1 大友圭子1 田㔟亨1 八重樫伸生2

所属機関: 1宮城県立がんセンター婦人科 2東北大学大学院医学系研究科婦人科学分野

ページ範囲:P.1326 - P.1331



 再発卵巣癌の化学療法では,前回の化学療法終了から再発までの無治療期間(treatment free interval : TFI)を確認し,再発癌の薬剤感受性を判断することが大切である.TFIが6か月以上ならば薬剤感受性再発癌として前回と同じ化学療法を行う.6か月に満たないTFIであれば薬剤抵抗性再発癌と認識し,前治療薬とは交叉耐性のない薬剤を選択する.



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3) Gronlund B, Hogdall C, Hansen HH, et al : Results of reinduction therapy with paclitaxel and carboplatin in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol 83 : 128─134, 2001
4) Parmar MK, Ledermann JA, Colombo N, et al (ICON and AGO Collaborators) : Paclitaxel plus platinum─based chemotherapy versus conventional platinum─based chemotherapy in women with relapsed ovarian cancer : the ICON4/AGO─OVAR─2.2 trial. Lancet 361(9375) : 2099─2106, 2003
5) 森裕紀子,田中邦治,落合和彦,他 : パクリタキセルとネダプラチン併用化学療法の適切な投与期間の検討.日産婦関東連合会報41 : 383─387,2004
6) 秋山 稔,望月昭彦,野田洋一 : 再発卵巣癌に対するWeekly Paclitaxel─Nedaplatin療法(TA療法),抄録.日本がん治療学会誌38 : 722,2003
7) Markman M, Markman J, Webster K, et al : Duration of response to second─line, platinum─based chemotherapy for ovarian cancer : implications for patient management and clinical trial design. J Clin Oncol 22 : 3120─3125, 2004
8) 日本婦人科腫瘍学会(編) : 卵巣癌治療ガイドライン,2007年版.VII.再発卵巣癌の治療.pp67─72,金原出版,2007
9) 杉山 徹 : 卵巣癌の治療,化学療法レジメンの選択,1st lineおよび2nd lineに何を選ぶか? ベストEBM産婦人科治療.産婦人科の実際52 : 1749─1760,2003
10) 鈴木光明 : 卵巣癌に対するSecond Lineの化学療法.産婦の世界56 : 1347─1355,2004
11) Kikuchi Y, Kita T, Takano M, et al : The effect of single weekly paclitaxel in heavily pretreated ovarian cancer patients and its antiangiogenic effects, Abstract. The 7th International Conference of Anticancer Research, 2004
12) Pietras K, Hanahan D : A multitargeted, metronomic, and maximum─tolerated dose “chemo─switch” regimen is antiangiogenic, producing objective responses and survival benefit in a mouse model of cancer. J Clin Oncol 23 : 939─952, 2005
13) Untch M, Untch A, Sevin BU, et al : Comparison of paclitaxel and docetaxel(Taxotere)in gynecologic and breast cancer cell lines with the ATP─cell viability assay. Anticancer Drugs 5 : 24─30, 1994
14) Hanauske AR, Degen D, Hilsenbeck SG, et al : Effects of taxotere and taxol on in vitro colony formation of freshly explanted human tumor cells.Anticancer Drugs 3 : 121─124, 1992
15) Verschraegen CF, Sittisomwong T, Kudelka AP, et al : Docetaxel for patients with paclitaxel─resistant Mullerian carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 18 : 2733─2739, 2000
16) Machida S, Ohwada M, Fujiwara H, et al : Phase I study of combination chemotherapy using irinotecan hydrochloride and nedaplatin for advanced or recurrent cervical cancer. Oncology 65 : 102─107, 2003
17) Sai K, Saito Y, Sakamoto H, et al : Importance of UDP─glucuronosyltransferase 1A1*6 for irinotecan toxicities in Japanese cancer patients. Cancer Lett 261 : 165─171, 2008, Epub 2007 Dec 20
18) Shapiro JD, Millward MJ, Rischin D, et al : Activity of gemcitabine in patients with advanced ovarian cancer : responses seen following platinum and paclitaxel. Gynecol Oncol 63 : 89─93, 1996
19) 井谷嘉男,細川健一,足立 進,他 : 治療抵抗性・再発卵巣癌に対する化学療法.産科と婦人科73 : 594─600,2006
20) Pectasides D, Xiros N, Papaxoinis G, et al : Gemcitabine and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin alternating with cisplatin plus cyclophosphamide in platinum refractory/resistant, paclitaxel─pretreated, ovarian carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol 108 : 47─52, 2008, Epub 2007 Oct 25
21) Pfisterer J, Plante M, Vergote I, et al : Gemcitabine plus carboplatin compared with carboplatin in patients with platinum─sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer : an intergroup trial of the AGO─OVAR, the NCIC CTG, and the EORTC GCG. J Clin Oncol 24 : 4699─4707, 2006
22) Gossner G, Coleman RL, Mutch DG, et al : CA─125 response in patients with recurrent ovarian or primary peritoneal cancer treated with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin or topotecan. Gynecol Oncol 103 : 212─218, 2006
23) Hoskins PJ, Le N : Identifying patients unlikely to benefit from further chemotherapy : A descriptive study of outcome at each relapse in ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol 97 : 862─869, 2005
24) Rose PG, Blessing JA, Mayer AR, et al : Prolonged oral etoposide as second─line therapy for platinum─resistant and platinum─sensitive ovarian carcinoma : a Gynecologic Oncology Group study. J Clin Oncol 16 : 405─410, 1998
25) Chi DS, McCaughty K, Diaz JP, et al : Guidelines and selection criteria for secondary cytoreductive surgery in patients with recurrent, platinum─sensitive epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Cancer 106 : 1933─1939, 2006
26) Jain RK : Normalization of tumor vasculature : an emerging concept in antiangiogenic therapy. Science 307(5706) : 58─62, 2005
27) Burger RA, Sill MW, Monk BJ, et al : PhaseII trial of bevacizumab in persistent or recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer or primary peritoneal cancer : a Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. J Clin Oncol 25 : 5165─5171, 2007
28) Garcia AA, Hirte H, Fleming G, et al : PhaseII clinical trial of bevacizumab and low─dose metronomic oral cyclophosphamide in recurrent ovarian cancer : a trial of the California, Chicago, and Princess Margaret Hospital phaseII consortia. J Clin Oncol 26 : 76─82, 2008
29) http://www.kikuchiclinic.com/





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