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今月の臨床 子宮内膜症治療の最前線―症状に応じた治療戦略


著者: 荒井真衣子1 村上節1

所属機関: 1東北大学医学部産婦人科

ページ範囲:P.1412 - P.1415





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2) Palomba S, Orio F Jr, Russo T, et al : Long─term effectiveness and safety of GnRH agonist plus raloxifene administration in women with uterine leiomyomas. Hum Reprod 19 : 1308─1314, 2004
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4) Zupi E, Marconi D, Sbracia M, et al : Add─back therapy in the treatment of endometriosis─associated pain. Fertil Steril 82 : 1303─1308, 2004
5) Bedaiwy MA, Casper RF : Treatment with leuprolide acetate and hormonal add─back for up to 10 years in stage IV endometriosis patients with chronic pelvic pain. Fertil Steril 86 : 220─222, 2006
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9) Chapron C, Vercellini P, Barakat H, et al : Management of ovarian endometriomas. Hum Reprod Update 8 : 591─597, 2002
10) Somigliana E, Ragni G, Benedetti F, et al : Does laparoscopic excision of endometriotic ovarian cysts significantly affect ovarian reserve? Insights from IVF cycles. Hum Reprod 18 : 2450─2453, 2003
11) Esinler I, Bozdag G, Aybar F, et al : Outcome of in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection after laparoscopic cystectomy for endometriomas. Fertil Steril 85 : 1730─1735, 2006
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13) Hornstein MD, Yuzpe AA, Burry KA, et al : Prospective randomized double─blind trial of 3 versus 6 months of nafarelin therapy for endometriosis associated pelvic pain. Fertil Steril 63 : 955─962, 1995
14) Sutton CJ, Pooley AS, Ewen SP, et al : Follow─up report on a randomized controlled trial of laser laparoscopy in the treatment of pelvic pain associated with minimal to moderate endometriosis. Fertil Steril 68 : 1070─1074, 1997
15) Winkel CA : Evaluation and management of women with endometriosis. Obstet Gynecol 102 : 397─408, 2003
16) Koga K, Takemura Y, Osuga Y, et al : Recurrence of ovarian endometrioma after laparoscopic excision. Hum Reprod 21 : 2171─2174, 2006
17) Fedele L, Bianchi S, Zanconato G, et al : Laparoscopic excision of recurrent endometriomas : long─term outcome and comparison with primary surgery. Fertil Steril 85 : 694─699, 2006
18) Franke HR, van de Weijer PH, Pennings TM, et al : Gonadotropin─releasing hormone agonist plus “add─back” hormone replacement therapy for treatment of endometriosis : a prospective, randomized, placebo─controlled, double─blind trial. Fertil Steril 74 : 534─539, 2000





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