今月の臨床 胎児機能不全
1) Satoh S, Fujita Y, Nakano H, et al : Chronologic change in Doppler indices in the umbilical and middle cerebral arteries in the Japanese fetus : JSUM standardization committee for fetal measurements. J Med Ultrasound 9 : 73, 2001
2) Zelop CM, Richardson DK, Heffner LJ : Outcomes of severely abnormal umbilical artery doppler velocimetry in structurally normal singleton fetuses. Obstet Gynecol 87 : 434, 1996
3) Karsdorp VHM, van Vugt JMG, van Geijn HP, et al : Clinical significance of absent or reversed end diastolic velocity waveforms in umbilical artery. Lancet 344 : 1664, 1994
4) Moise KJ Jr : Management of rhesus alloimmunization in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 100 : 600, 2002
5) Kanzaki T, Chiba Y : Evaluation of the preload condition of the fetus by inferior vena caval blood flow pattern. Fetal Diagn Ther 5 : 168, 1990
6) Rizzo G, Capponi A, Talone PE, et al : Doppler indices from inferior vena cava and ductus venosus in predicting pH and oxygen tension in umbilical blood at cordocentesis in growth─retarded fetuses. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 7 : 401, 1996
7) Baschat AA, Guclu S, Kush M, et al : Venous Doppler in the prediction of acid─base status of growth─restricted fetuses with elevated placental blood flow resistance. Am J Obstet Gynecol 191 : 277─284, 2004