今月の臨床 産婦人科臨床の難題を解く─私はこうしている
II 不妊治療 【ART】
1 はじめに
ARTおよび無排卵症に対する調節卵巣刺激(controlled ovarian stimulation : COS)は広く行われている.当院でも,IVFの標準的なプロトコールはlong法のGnRHアゴニスト併用下のゴナドトロピン療法である.今回,特にpoor responderや35歳以上の高齢患者,卵巣過剰刺激症候群(ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome : OHSS)のリスクの高い多嚢胞性卵巣(polycystic ovary : PCO),それぞれについてのCOSのプロトコールについてできるだけ最近の文献で,randomized controlled study(RCT)や規模の大きい試験の報告を参考に調節刺激法を検討した.
ARTおよび無排卵症に対する調節卵巣刺激(controlled ovarian stimulation : COS)は広く行われている.当院でも,IVFの標準的なプロトコールはlong法のGnRHアゴニスト併用下のゴナドトロピン療法である.今回,特にpoor responderや35歳以上の高齢患者,卵巣過剰刺激症候群(ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome : OHSS)のリスクの高い多嚢胞性卵巣(polycystic ovary : PCO),それぞれについてのCOSのプロトコールについてできるだけ最近の文献で,randomized controlled study(RCT)や規模の大きい試験の報告を参考に調節刺激法を検討した.
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2) Yong PY, Brett S, Baird DT, et al : A prospective randomized clinical trial comparing 150 IU and 225 IU of recombinant follicle─stimulaing hormone(Gonal─F)in a fixed─dose regimen for controlled ovarian stimulation in in vitro fertilization treatment. Fertil Steril 79 : 308─315, 2003
3) Marrs R, Meldrum D, Muasher S, et al : Randomized trial to compare the effect of recombinant human FSH(follitroppin alpha)with or without recombinant human LH in women undergoing assisted reproduction treatment. Reprod Biomed Online 8 : 175─182, 2004
4) Humaidan P, Bungum M, Bungum L, et al : Effects of recombinant LH supplementation in women undergoing assisted reproduction with GnRH agonist down─regulation and stimulation with recombinant FSH : an opening study. Reprod Biomed Online 8 : 635─643, 2004
5) Ferraretti AP, Gianaroli L, Magli MC, et al : Exogenous lutenizing hormone in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for assisted reproduction techniques. Fertil Steril 822 : 1521─1526, 2004
6) Chung K, Krey L, Katz J, et al : Evaluating the role of exogenous lutenizing hormone in poor responders undergoing in vitro fertilization with gonadotropin─releasing hormone antagonists. Fertil Steril 84 : 313─318, 2005
7) Fabregues F, Creus M, Penarrubia J, et al : Effects of recombinant human luteinizing hormone supplementation on ovarian stimulation rate in down─regulated women of advanced reproductive age. Fertil Steril 85 : 925─931, 2006
8) Loutradis D, Elsheikh A, Kallianidis K, et al : Results of controlled ovarian stimulation for ART in poor responders according to the short protocol using different gonadotrophins combinations. Arch Gynecol Obstet 270 : 223─226, 2004
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10) Feldberg D, Farhi J, Ashkenazi J, et al : Minidose gonadotropin─releasing hormone agonist in the treatment of chice in poor responders with high follicle─stimulating hormone levels. Fertil Steril 62 : 343─346, 1994
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12) Gleicher N, Vietzke M, Vidali A : Bye─bye urinary gonadotrophins? Recombinant FSH : A real progress in ovulation induction in IVF? Hum Reprod 18 : 476─482, 2003
13) Lindheim SR, Barad DH, Zinger M, et al : Short─term gonadotropin suppression with oral contraceptives benefits poor responders prior to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. J Assist Reprod Genet 13 : 745─747, 1996
14) Olivennes F, Belaisch─Allart J, Emperaire JC, et al : Prospective, randomized, controlled study of in vitro fertilization─embryo transfer with a single dose of a lutenizing hormone─releasing hormone(LH─RH)antagonist(cetrorelix)or a depot formula of an LH─RH agonist(triptorelin). Fertil Steril 73 : 314─320, 2000
15) Albano C, Felberbaum RE, Smitz J, et al : Ovarian stimulation with HMG : results of a prospective randomized phaseIIIEuropean study comparing the lutenizing hormone─releasing hormone(LH─RH)─ antagonist cetrorelix and the LH─RH agonist buserelin. Hum Reprod 15 : 526─531, 2000
16) Lord JM, Flight IHK, Norman RJ : Metformin in polycystic ovary syndrome : systematic review and meta─analysisi. BMJ 327 : 951─956, 2003
17) Costello MF, Chapman M, Conway U : A systematic review and meta─analysis of randomized controlled trials on Metoformin co─administration during gonadotrophin ovulation induction or IVF in women with polycytic ovary syndrome. Hum Reprod 21 : 1387─1399, 2006
18) 倉林 工 : 生殖医療ガイドライン2007(日本生殖医学会編).pp191─192,金原出版,2007