今月の臨床 エキスパートに学ぶ―体外受精実践講座
一方,近年の哺乳動物胚に関する研究の急速な進歩に伴い,ヒト胚の培養法は大幅に改善され,in vitro で胚盤胞まで発育させることが技術的に可能になり培養成績は著しく向上した.
本稿では,はじめに,配偶子や胚の生理機能や生殖器道内環境について概説し,次いで主な培養液成分の役割とART(assisted reproductive technology)に用いられる培養液の現状と課題について述べる.
本稿では,はじめに,配偶子や胚の生理機能や生殖器道内環境について概説し,次いで主な培養液成分の役割とART(assisted reproductive technology)に用いられる培養液の現状と課題について述べる.
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15) Lane M, Gardner DK : Amino acids and vitamins prevent culture─induced metabolic perturbations and associated loss of viability of mouse blastocysts. Hum Reprod 13 : 991─997, 1998
16) Lane M, Gardner DK : Inhibiting 3─phosphoglycerate kinase by EDTA stimulates the development of the cleavage stage mouse embryo. Mol Reprod Dev 60 : 233─240, 2001
17) Lane M, Gardner DK : Nonessential amino acids and glutamine decrease the time of the first three cleavage divisions and increase compaction of mouse zygotes in vitro. J Assist Reprod Genet 14 : 398─403, 1997
18) Lane M, Gardner DK : Differential regulation of mouse embryo development and viability by amino acids. J Reprod Fertil 109 : 153─164, 1997
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20) 平井香里,宇津宮隆史,荒木康久 : 新しく開発されたHFF99のヒト体外受精への臨床応用.日不妊会誌48 : 17─22,2003
21) Kubota H, Avarbock MR, Brinster RL : Spermatogonial stem cells share some, but not all, phenotypic and functional characteristics with other stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA100 : 6487─6492, 2003
22) Lee DR, Kim KS, Yang YH, et al : Isolation of male germ stem cell─like cells from testicular tissue of non─obstructive azoospermic patients and differentiation into haploid male germ cells in vitro. Hum Reprod 21 : 471─476, 2006
23) Tesarik J, Nagy P, Abdelmassih R, et al : Pharmacological concentrations of follicle─stimulating hormone and testosterone improve the efficacy of in vitro germ cell differentiation in men with maturation arrest. Feril Steril 77 : 245─251, 2002