今月の臨床 HRTの新ガイドラインを読み解く
1) 安井敏之,苛原 稔 : 女性ホルモンの測定とその臨床的意義.産婦治療96 : 129─135,2008
2) 牧田和也,太田博明,川島忠興,他 : 更年期女性における皮膚の変化に関する検討.日更年医誌5 : 166─172,1997
3) 落合信彦,矢野喜一郎,伝田澄美子,他 : 更年期前後における皮膚状態の変化とHRTの効果について.日更年医誌8 : 33─40,2000
4) Sumino H, Ichikawa S, Abe M, et al : Effects of aging, menopause, and hormone replacement therapy on forearm skin elasticity in women. J Am Geriatr Soc 52 : 945─949, 2004
5) Brincat MP : Hormone replacement therapy and the skin. Maturitas 35 : 107─117, 2000
6) Samson MM, Meeuwsen I, Crowe A, et al : Relationships between physical performance measures, age, height and body weight in healthy adults. Age and Ageing 29 : 235─242, 2000
7) The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists Women's Health Care Physicians. Skin. Obstet Gynecol 104 : 92S─96S, 2004
8) Castelo─Branco C, Duran M, Conzalez─Merlo J : Skin collagen changes related to age and hormone replacement therapy. Maturitas 15 : 113─119, 1992
9) Dunn LB, Damesyn M, Moore AA, et al : Does estrogen prevent skin aging? Arch Dermatol 133 : 339─342, 1997
10) Sipila S, Taaffe DR, Cheng S, et al : Effects of hormone replacement therapy and high─impact physical exercise on skeletal muscle in post─menopausal women : a randomized placebo─controlled study. Clinical Science 101 : 147─157, 2001
11) Heikkinen J, Kyllonen E, Kurttila─Matero E, et al : HRT and exercise : effects on bone density, muscle strength and lipid metabolism. A placebo controlled 2─year prospective trial on two estrogen─progestin regimens in healthy postmenopausal women. Maturitas 26 : 139─149, 1997
12) Jacobsen DE, Samson MM, Kwzic S, et al : Postmenopausal HRT and tibolone in relation to muscle length and body composition. Maturitas 58 : 7─18, 2007
13) Henderson VW, Klein BE, Resnick SM : 閉経と神経疾患,精神保健および眼疾患 女性の健康と更年期 : 包括的アプローチ友池仁暢観監訳,pp194─206,学習研究社,東京,2003
14) Benitez del Castillo JM, Teresa del Rio, Garcia─Sanchez : Effects of estrogen use on lens transmittance in postmenopausal women. Ophthalmology 104 : 970─973, 1997
15) Altintas O, Caglar Y, Yuksel N, et al : The effects of menopause and hormone replacement therapy on quality and quantity of tear, intraocular pressure and ocular blood flow. Ophthalmologica 218 : 120─129, 2004
16) Affinito P, Di Spiezio Sardo A, Di Carlo C, et al : Effects of hormone replacement therapy on ocular function in menopause. Menopause 10 : 482─487, 2003
17) Krall EA, Dawson─Hughes B, Hannan MT, et al : Postmenopausal estrogen replacement and tooth retention. Am J Med 102 : 536─542, 1997
18) Leimola─Virtanen R, Salo T, Toikkanen S, et al : Expression of estrogen receptor(ER)in oral mucosa and salivary glands. Maturitas 36 : 131─137, 2003
19) Eliasson L, Carlen A, Laine M, et al : Minor gland and whole saliva in postmenopausal women using a low potency oestrogen(oestriol). Arch Oral Biol 48 : 511─517, 2003