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今月の臨床 婦人科がん検診



著者: 林由梨1 浅尾有紀1 根津幸穂1 今野良1

所属機関: 1自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター産科婦人科

ページ範囲:P.1128 - P.1133



 液状細胞診(liquid based cytology : LBC)は1990年代半ばに開発されて以来,進化した細胞診の手法と注目されているが,わが国ではまだなじみの薄い手法である.今回LBCの利点,問題点を挙げることにより今後の細胞診のあり方を再検討する.


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2) ACOG Practice Bulletin : clinical management guidelines for obstetrician-gynecologists. Number 61, April 2005. Human papillomavirus. Obstet Gynecol 105 : 905─918, 2005
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4) Clavel C, Masure M, Bory JP, et al : Human papillomavirus testing in primary screening for the detection of high-grade cervical lesions : a study of 7932 women. Br J Cancer 84 : 1616─1623, 2001
5) Klinkhamer PJ, Meerding WJ, Rosier PF, et al : Liquid-based cervical cytology : a review of the literature with methods of evidence-based medicine. Cancer(Cancer Cytopathol)99 : 263─172, 2003
6) Davey E, Barrat A, Irwig L, et al : Effect of study design and quality on unsatisfactory rates, cytology classifications, and accuracy in liquid-based versus conventional cervical cytology : a systemic review. Lancet 367 : 122─132, 2006
7) Coste J, Cochand-Priollet B, de Cremoux P, et al : Cross sectional study of conventional cervical smear, monolayer cytology, and human papillomavirus DNA testing for cervical cancer screening. BMJ 326 : 733─737, 2003
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13) Schledermann D, Ejersbo D, Hoelund B : Improvement of diagnostic accuracy and screening conditions with liquid-based cytology. Diagn Cytopathol 34 : 780─785, 2006
14) Arbyn M, Bergeron C, Klinkhamer P, et al : Liquid compared with conventional cervical cytology : A systemic review and meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol 111 : 167─177, 2008
15) 齋藤深雪,長島義男 : 8.病理・細胞診検査機器 10)細胞診自動塗抹装置Medical Technology 34 : 1622─1625,2006
16) McGoogan E, Reith A : Would monolayers provide more representative samples and improved preparations for cervical screening? Overview and evaluation of systems available. Acta Cytol 40 : 107─119, 1996
17) Dowie R, Stoykova B, Crawford D, et al : Liquid-based cytology can improve efficiency of cervical smear readers : evidence from timing surveys in two NHS52 cytology laboratories. Cytopathol 17 : 65─72, 2006
18) Ronco G, Cuzick J, Pierotti P, et al : Accuracy of liquid based versus conventional cytology : overall results of new technologies for cervical cancer screening : randomized controlled trial. BMJ 335 : 1─2, 2007
19) Doyle B, O’ Farrell C, Mahoney E, et al : Liquid-based cytology improves productivity in cervical cytology screening. Cytopathol 17 : 60─64, 2006
20) Williams AR : Liquid-based cytology and conventional smears compared over two 12-months periods. Cytopathol 17 : 82─85, 2006
21) Ronco G, Segnan N, Giorge-Rossi P, et al : Human papillomavirus testing and liquid-based cytology : results at recruitment from the new technologies for cervical cancer randomized controlled trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 98 : 765─774, 2006
22) Kirschner B, Simonsen K, Junge J. Comparison of conventional Papanicolaou smear and SurePath liquid-based cytology in the Copenhagen population screening programme for cervical cancer. Cytopathol 17 : 187─194, 2006
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27) Chung HH, Kim JW, Kang SB : Cost is a barrier to widespread use of liquid-based cytology for cervical screening in Korea. J Korean Med Sci 21 : 1054─1059, 2006
28) 林 由梨,川島 恵,今野 良,他 : 子宮頸がん検診の現状と課題.産婦の実際58 : 507─518,2009
29) van Ballegooijen M, a, van den Akker-van Marle Ea, J. Patnick, et al : Overview of important cervical cancer screening process values in EU countries, and tentative predictions of the corresponding effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. European Journal of Cancer 36 : 2177─2188, 2000
30) Myers ER, McCrory DC, Kavita N, et al : Mathematical model for the Natural History of human Papillomavirus Infection and Cervical Carcinogenesis. Am J Epidemiol 151 : 1158─1171, 2000
31) Cervical Cancer Screening : IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Vol.10. pp61, IARC Press, Lyon, 2005





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