今月の臨床 着床障害―生殖医療のブラックボックス
1)京野廣一,福永憲隆,千葉せつよ,他 : 胚盤胞移植 : 妊娠率向上のためのKey Point.日不妊会誌45 : 265─271,2000
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6)神崎秀陽,岡田英孝,安田勝彦 : 着床不全の臨床.着床─妊娠率向上をめざして(鈴木秋悦編).pp20─27,メジカルビュー,2000
7)Goto S, Kadowaki T, Hashimoto H, et al : Stimulation of endometrium embryo transfer can improve implantation and pregnancy rates for patients undergong assisted reproductive technology for the first time with a high-grade blastcocyst Fertil Steril 92 : 1264─1268, 2009
8)Rackow BW, Kliman HJ, Taylor HS : GnRH antagonists may affect endometrial receptivity. Fertil Steril 89 : 1234─1239, 2008
9)Moreno L, Guillen A, Pacheco A, et al : Aromatase inhibitor letrozole improves implantation rate in poor responder IVF/ICSI patients. Fertil Steril 82 : S123, 2004
10)Elhelw B, El Sadek M, El Nomrosy K : Aromatase inhibitor for the transfer of frozen-thawed embryos : a prospective randomized comparative study. Hum Reprod 23 : supple 1, i42, 2008
11)Sohrabvand F, Anasari Sh, Bagheri M : Efficacy of combined metformin-letrozole in comparison with metformin-clomiphene citrate in clomiphen-resisitant infertile women with polycystic ovarian disease. Hum Reprod 21 : 1432─1435, 2006
12)藤原 浩 : 免疫細胞を用いた着床率向上の試み.日産婦誌60 : 399─402,2008