今月の臨床 子宮頸癌─予防と妊孕性温存のための治療戦略
1) Muñoz N, Manalastas R Jr, Pitisuttithum P, et al : Safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of quadrivalent human papillomavirus(types 6, 11, 16, 18) recombinant vaccine in women aged 24─45 years : a randomised, double-blind trial. Lancet 373 : 1949─1957, 2009
2) Schwarz TF, Spaczynski M, Schneider A, et al : Immunogenicity and tolerability of an HPV-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted prophylactic cervical cancer vaccine in women aged 15─55 years. Vaccine 27 : 581─587, 2009
3) Schwarz TF, Kocken M, Petäjä T, et al : Correlation between levels of human papillomavirus(HPV)-16 and 18 antibodies in serum and cervicovaginal secretions in girls and women vaccinated with the HPV-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine. Hum Vaccin 12 : 1054─1061, 2010
4) Konno R, Dobbelaere KO, Godeaux OO, et al : Immunogenicity, reactogenicity, and safety of human papillomavirus 16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine in Japanese women : interim analysis of a phase II, double-blind, randomized controlled trial at month 7. Int J Gynecol Cancer 19 : 905─911, 2009
5) Paavonen J, Naud P, Salmerón J, et al : Efficacy of human papillomavirus(HPV)-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine against cervical infection and precancer caused by oncogenic HPV types(PATRICIA): final analysis of a double-blind, randomised study in young women. Lancet 374 : 301─314, 2009
6) Konno R, Sasagawa T, Fukuda T, et al : Cost-effectiveness analysis of prophylactic cervical cancer vaccination in Japanese women. Int J Gynecol Cancer 20 : 385─392, 2010
7) Kim YT, Lee JM, Hur SY, et al : Clearance of human papillomavirus infection after successful conization in patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Int J Cancer 126 : 1903─1909, 2010
8) Nam K, Chung S, Kim J, et al : Factors associated with HPV persistence after conization in patients with negative margins. J Gynecol Oncol 20 : 91─95, 2009
9) Park JY, Kim DY, Kim JH, et al : Human papillomavirus test after conization in predicting residual disease in subsequent hysterectomy specimens. Obstet Gynecol 114 : 87─92, 2009