今月の臨床 ホルモン補充療法ガイドライン2012年度版─改訂版を読み解く
1) Stevenson JC : Type and route of estrogen administration. Climacteric 12 : 86─90, 2009
2) Honjo H, Taketani Y : Low-dose estradiol for climacteric symptoms in Japanese women : a randomized, controlled trial. Climacteric 12 : 319─328, 2009
3) Mizunuma H, Taketani Y, Ohta H, et al : Dose effects of oral estradiol on bone mineral density in Japanese women with osteoporosis. Climacteric 13 : 72─83, 2010
4) Villa P, Sagnella F, Perri C et al : Low-and standard-estrogen dosage in oral therapy : dose-dependent effects on insulin and lipid metabolism in healthy postmenopausal women. Climacteric 11 : 498─508, 2008
5) Stork S, von Schacky C, Angerer P : The effect of 17β-estradiol on endothelial and inflammatory markers in postmenopausal women : a randomized, controlled trial. Atherosclerosis 165 : 301─307, 2007
6) Yasui T, Yamada M, Kinoshita H, et al : Combination of automatic HPLC-RIA method for determination of estrone and estradiol in serum. J Clin La Anal 13 : 266─272, 1999
7) Utian WH, Shoupe D, Bachmann G, et al : Relief of vasomotor symptoms and vaginal atrophy with lower doses of conjugated equine estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate. Fertil Steril 75 : 1065─1079, 2001
8) 安井敏之 : 低用量HRTを効果的に施行するために.更年期医療のコツと落とし穴(麻生武志編集).中山書店,pp112─113,東京,2005
9) Mizunuma H, Okano H, Soda M, et al : Prevention of postmenopausal bone loss with minimal uterine bleeding using low dose continuous estrogen/progestin therapy ; a 2-year prospective study. Maturitas 27 : 69─76, 1997
10) 若槻明彦 : エストロゲンの種類と投与ルートによる作用・副作用の違い.Hormone Frontier in Gynecology 15 : 209─214, 2008
11) Wakatsuki A, Okatani Y, Ikenoue N, et al : Effect of lower dose of oral conjugated equine estrogen on size and oxidative susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein particles in postmenopausal women. Circulation 108 : 808─813, 2003
12) Wakatsuki A, Ikenoue N, Shinohara K, et al : Effect of lower dosage of oral conjugated equine estrogen on inflammatory markers and endothelial function in healthy postmenopausal women. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 24 : 571─576, 2004
13) Jick H, Derby JE, Myers MW, et al : Risk of hospital admission for idiopathic venous thromboembolism among users of postmenopausal oestrogens. Lancet 348 : 981─983, 1996
14) Grodstein F, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, et al : Postmenopausal hormone therapy and stroke. Arch Intern Med 168 : 861─866, 2008
15) Mizunuma H : Clinical usefulness of a low-dose maintenance therapy with transdermal estradiol gel in Japanese women with estrogen deficiency symptoms. Climacteric 14 : 581─589, 2011
16) Godsland IF : Effects of postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy on lipid, lipoprotein, and apolipoprotein(a)concentrations : analysis of studies published from 1974─2000, Fertil Steril 75 : 898─915, 2001
17) Canonico M, Plu-Bureau G, Lowe GDO, et al : Hormone replacement therapy and risk of venous thromboembolism in postmenopausal women : systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 336 : 1227─1231, 2008
18) Birkhauser MH, Panay N, Archer DF, et al : Updated practical recommendations for hormone replacement therapy in the peri-and postmenopause. Climacteric 11 : 108─213, 2008
19) The Board of Trustees of The North American Menopause Society : Estrogen and progestogen use in postmenopausal women : July 2008 position statement of The North American Menopause Society. Menopause 15 : 584─603, 2008
20) Lobo RA, Whitehead MI : Is low-dose hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women efficacious and desirable? Climacteric 4 : 110─119, 2001
21) Speroff L, Whitcomb RW, Kempfert NJ, et al : Efficacy and local tolerance of a low-dose, 7-day matrix estradiol transdermal system in the treatment of menopausal vasomotor symptoms. Obstet Gynecol 88 : 587─592, 1996
22) Evans SF, Davie WJ : Low and conventional dose transdermal oestradiol are equally effective at preventing bone loss in spine and femur at all post-menopausal ages. Clin Endocrinol 44 : 79─84, 1996
23) Nath A, Sitruk-Ware R : Different cardiovascular effects of progestins according to structure and activity. Climacteric 12 : 96─101, 2009
24) Topal NB, Ayhan S, Topal U, et al : Effects of hormone replacement therapy regimens on mammographic breast density : The role of progestins. J Obstet Gynecol Res 32 : 305─308, 2006
25) Million Women Study Collaborators : Breast cancer and hormone-replacement therapy in the Million Women Study. Lancet 362 : 419─427, 2003
26) Gelfand MM, Fugere P, Bissonnette F, et al : Conjugated estrogens combined with sequential dydrogesterone or medroxyprogesterone acetate in postmenopausal women : effects on lipoproteins, glucose tolerance, endometrial histology and bleeding. Menopause 4 : 10─18, 1997
27) Schneider C, Jick SS, Meier CR : Risk of gynecological cancers in users of estradiol/dydrogesterone or other HRT preparations. Climacteric 12 : 514─524, 2009
28) Mueck AO, Seeger H, Buhling KJ : Use of dydrogesterone in hormone replacement therapy. Maturitas 2009 Epub ahead a print
29) Fournier A, Berrino F, Clavel-Chapelon F : Unequal risks for breast cancer associated with different hormone replacement therapies : results from the E3N cohort study. Breast Cancer Res Treat 107 : 103─111, 2008
30) 真田光博,水沼英樹 : 閉経後女性を対象とした新期E2/NETA配合パッチRPR106522と既存のホルモン補充療法の更年期障害に対する有効性と安全性の比較(第III相臨床試験).日更医誌16 : 220─231, 2008
31) Lethaby A, Suckling J, Barlow D, et al : Hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women : endometrial hyperplasia and irregular bleeding(Review). Cochrane Database, pp1─113, 2004
32) Jaakkola S, Lyytinen H, Pukkala E, et al : Endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women using estradiol-progestin therapy. Obstet Gynecol 114 : 1197─1204, 2009
33) Lokkegaard E, Andreasen AH, Jacobsen RK, et al : Hormone therapy and risk of myocardial infarction : a national register study. Eur Heart J 29 : 2660─2668, 2008
34) Razavi P, Pike MC, Horn-Ross PL, et al : Long term postmenopausal hormone therapy and endometrial cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 19 : 475─483, 2010