今月の臨床 これだけは知っておきたい─婦人科がんの緩和ケア
1) 日高隆雄 : 産科婦人科領域でまず使ってみたい漢方薬 癌化学療法の副作用対策.漢方医学35 : 47─51,2011
2) Hisha H, Yamada H, Sakurai MH, et al : Isolation and identification of hematopoietic stem cell-stimulating substances from Kampo(Japanese herbal)medicine, Juzen-taiho-to. Blood 90 : 1022─1030, 1997
3) Ohnishi Y, Yasumizu R, Fan HX, et al : Effects of juzen-taiho-toh(TJ-48), a traditional Oriental medicine, on hematopoietic recovery from radiation injury in mice. Exp Hematol 18 : 18─22, 1990
4) Saiki I : A Kampo medicine “Juzen-taiho-to”--prevention of malignant progression and metastasis of tumor cells and the mechanism of action. Biol Pharm Bull 23 : 677─688, 2000
5) Saiki I, Yamaura T, Ohnishi Y, et al : HPLC analysis of juzen-taiho-to and its variant formulations and their antimetastatic efficacies. Chem Pharm Bull 47 : 1170─1174, 1999
6) Ohnishi Y, Fujii H, Hayakawa Y, et al : Oral administration of a Kampo(Japanese herbal)medicine Juzen-taiho-to inhibits liver metastasis of colon 26-L5 carcinoma cells. Jpn J Cancer Res 89 : 206─213, 1998
7) 安達 勇,渡辺 亨,程 錦雁,他 : 進行乳癌における補助療法としての十全大補湯の有用性の検討.癌と化療16 : 1538─1543,1989
8) Takegawa Y, Ikushima H, Ozaki K, et al : Can Kampo therapy prolong the life of cancer patients? J Med Invest 55 : 99─105, 2008
9) Kuroiwa A, Liou S, Yan H, et al : Effect of a traditional Japanese herbal medicine, hochu-ekki-to(Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi Tang), on immunity in elderly persons. Int Immunopharmacol 4 : 317─324, 2004
10) Yamaya M, Sasaki T, Yasuda H, et al : Hochu-ekki-to inhibits rhinovirus infection in human tracheal epithelial cells. Br J Pharmacol 150 : 702─710, 2007
11) Kimura M, Sasada T, Kanai M, et al : Preventive effect of a traditional herbal medicine, Hochu-ekki-to, on immunosuppression induced by surgical stress. Surg Today 38 : 316─322, 2008
12) 原澤 茂,三好秋馬,三輪 剛,他 : 運動不全型の上腹部愁訴(dysmotility-like dyspepsia)に対するTJ-43六君子湯の多施設共同市販後臨床試験─二重盲検群間比較法による検討.医学のあゆみ187 : 207─229, 1998
13) Takeda H, Sadakane C, Hattori T, et al : Rikkunshito, an herbal medicine, suppresses cisplatin-induced anorexia in rats via 5-HT2 receptor antagonism. Gastroenterology 134 : 2004─2013, 2008
14) Shibata C, Sasaki I, Naito H, et al : The herbal medicine Dai-Kenchu-Tou stimulates upper gut motility through cholinergic and 5-hydroxytryptamine 3 receptors in conscious dogs. Surgery 126 : 918─924, 1999
15) Nagano T, Itoh H, Takeyama M : Effect of Dai-kenchu-to on levels of 3 brain-gut peptides(motilin, gastrin and somatostatin)in human plasma. Biol Pharm Bull 22 : 1131─1133, 1999
16) Xu L, Lao LX, Ge A, et al : Chinese herbal medicine for cancer pain. Integr Cancer Ther 6 : 208─234, 2007
17) 日高隆雄 : パクリタキセル誘発疼痛マウスモデルに対する芍薬甘草湯の基礎的検討.漢方医学34 : 24─25,2010
18) Hidaka T, Shima T, Nagira K, et al : Herbal medicine Shakuyaku-kanzo-to reduces paclitaxel-induced painful peripheral neuropathy in mice. Eur J Pain 13 : 22─27, 2009
19) Mitchell AJ, Chan M, Bhatti H, et al : Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and adjustment disorder in oncological,haematological, and palliative-care settings : a meta-analysis of 94 interview-based studies. Lancet Oncol 12 : 160─174, 2011
20) Massie MJ : Prevalence of depression in patients with cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 32 : 57─71, 2004