今月の臨床 分娩誘発と陣痛促進法の見直し―安全な分娩管理を目指して
1) 日本産婦人科学会/日本産婦人科医会 編集・監修 : 子宮収縮薬による陣痛誘発・陣痛促進に際しての留意点 : 改訂2011年版.産婦人科診療ガイドライン産科編2011.335─339, 2011
2) Cunningham FG, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL,et al : Labor Induction : Williams Obstetrics 23th Edition, 500─510, 2009
3) ACOG : Induction of labor. Practice Bulletin No.10, 1999
4) Cammu H, Martens G, Ruyssinck G, et al : Outocome after elective labor induction in nulliparous women : A matched cohort study. Am J Obstet Gynecol : 240─244, 2001
5) Hamar B, Mann S, Greenberg P, et al : Low-risk indctions of labor and cesarean delivery for nulliparous and parous women at term. Am J Obstet gynecol : S215, 2001
6) Vahratian A, Zhang J, Troendle JF, et al : Labor progression and risk of cesarean delivery in elective induced nulliparas. Obstet Gynecol : 698─704, 2005
7) Vrouenraets FP, Roumen FJ, Dehing CJ, et al : Bishop score and risk of cesarean delivery after induction of labor in nulliparous women. Obstet Gynecol : 690─697, 2005
8) Clark SL, Miller DD, Belfort MA, et al : Neonatal and maternal outcomes associated with elective term delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol : e1─4, 2009
9) Tita AT, Landon MB, Spong CY : Timing of elective repeat cesarean delivery at term and neonatal outcomes. N Engl J Med : 110─120, 2009
10) Boulvain M, Stan C, Irion O : Cochrane Database Syst Rev, CD000451, 2001
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13) 産科医療補償制度 : http://www.sanka-hp.jcqhc.or.jp/pdf/20110824Saihatsu_Report_01_Proposal.pdf
14) Hofmeyr GJ, Gülmezoglu AM, Pileggi C : Vaginal misoprostol for cervical ripening and induction of labour.Cochrane Database Syst Rev, CD000941, 2010
15) Cunningham FG, MacDonald PC, Gnant NF, et al : Normal labor and delivery and the puerperium chapter 12 parturition : biomonolecular and physiologic processes, Williams Obstetrics 19th Edition, 297─361, 1993
16) Zhang J, Branch DW, Ramirez MM : Oxytocin regimen for labor, labor progression, and perinatal outcomes. Obstet Gynecol : 249─256, 2011
17) 株丹浩二,佐藤健治,小野潤二,他 : 帝王切開術中プロスタグランジンF2α子宮筋内投与により心室性不整脈を来した2症例.麻酔 : 392─394, 1994
18) 小野健二,中山啓子,工藤一大,他 : 帝王切開術中プロスタグランジンF2αによると思われる血圧上昇,不整脈を来した2症例.日本臨床麻酔学会誌 : 95─98, 1990
19) SOGC clinical practice guideline : Induction of labor at term, 2001
20) Jozwiak M, Oude Rengerink K, Benthem M, et al : Foley catheter versus vaginal prostaglandin E2 gel for induction of labour at term(PROBAAT trial) : an open-label, randomised controlled trial. Lancet : 2095─2103, 2011