今月の臨床 卵子の加齢─避けては通れないARTの課題
1) 蔵本武志 : rFSHと自己注射─ART症例に対する使用方法─.産婦の実際59 : 61─68, 2010
2) Muasher SJ, Oehninger S, Simonetti S, et al : The value of basal and/or stimulated serum gonadotropin levels in prediction of stimulation response and in vitro fertilization outcome. Fertil Steril 50 : 298─307, 1988
3) Barad DH, Gleicher N : Increased oocyte production after treatment with dehydroepiandrosterone. Fertil Steril 84 : 756, 2005
4) Gleicher N, Weghofer A, Barad DH : Dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA) reduces embryo aneuploidy : direct evidence from preimplantation genetic screening(PGS). Reprod Biol Endocrinol 8 : 140, 2010
5) Cohen J, Alikani M, Trowbridge J, et al : Implantation enhanement by selective assisted hatching using zona drilling of human embryos with poor prognosis. Hum Reprod 7 : 685─691, 1992