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今月の臨床 卵子の加齢─避けては通れないARTの課題



著者: 寺村岳士1 細井美彦2

所属機関: 1近畿大学医学部高度先端総合医療センター再生医療部 2近畿大学生物理工学部

ページ範囲:P.565 - P.570









1) Wright VC, J Chang, G Jeng, et al : Assisted reproductive technology surveillance--United States, 2005. MMWR Surveill Summ 57 : 1─23, 2008
2) Liu JP, H Li : Telomerase in the ovary. Reproduction 140 : 215─222, 2010
3) Grasselli A, S Nanni, C. Colussi, et al : Estrogen receptor-alpha and endothelial nitric oxide synthase nuclear complex regulates transcription of human telomerase. Circ Res 103 : 34─42, 2008
4) Eichenlaub-Ritter U, M Wieczorek, S. Luke, et al : Age related changes in mitochondrial function and new approaches to study redox regulation in mammalian oocytes in response to age or maturation conditions. Mitochondrion 11 : 783─796, 2011
5) Dumollard R, P Marangos, G Fitzharris, et al : Sperm-triggered[Ca2+]oscillations and Ca2+ homeostasis in the mouse egg have an absolute requirement for mitochondrial ATP production. Development 131 : 3057─3067, 2004
6) Barritt JA, Brenner CA, Malter HE, et al : Mitochondria in human offspring derived from ooplasmic transplantation. Hum Reprod 16 : 513─516, 2001
7) Acton BM, Lai I, Shang X, et al : Neutral mitochondrial heteroplasmy alters physiological function in mice. Biol Reprod 77 : 569─576, 2007
8) Johnson J, Canning J, Kaneko T, et al : Germline stem cells and follicular renewal in the postnatal mammalian ovary. Nature 428 : 145─150, 2004
9) Niikura Y, Niikura T, Tilly JL : Aged mouse ovaries possess rare premeiotic germ cells that can generate oocytes following transplantation into a young host environment. Aging(Albany NY) 1 : 971─978, 2009
10) Bukovsky A, Caudle MR, Svetlikova M, et al : Oogenesis in adult mammals, including humans : a review. Endocrine 26 : 301─316, 2005
11) Virant-Klun I, Zech N, Rozman P, et al : Putative stem cells with an embryonic character isolated from the ovarian surface epithelium of women with no naturally present follicles and oocytes. Differentiation 76 : 843─856, 2008
12) Zou K, Yuan Z, Yang Z, et al : Production of offspring from a germline stem cell line derived from neonatal ovaries. Nat Cell Biol 11 : 631─636, 2009
13) Eggan K, Jurga S, Gosden R, et al : Ovulated oocytes in adult mice derive from non-circulating germ cells. Nature 441 : 1109─1114, 2006
14) Toyooka Y, Tsunekawa N, Akasu R, et al : Embryonic stem cells can form germ cells in vitro. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100 : 11457─11462, 2003
15) Geijsen N, Horoschak M, Kim K, et al : Derivation of embryonic germ cells and male gametes from embryonic stem cells. Nature 427 : 148─154, 2004
16) Nayernia K, Nolte J, Michelmann HW, et al : In vitro-differentiated embryonic stem cells give rise to male gametes that can generate offspring mice. Dev Cell 11 : 125─132, 2006
17) Hayashi K, Ohta H, Kurimoto K, et al : Reconstitution of the mouse germ cell specification pathway in culture by pluripotent stem cells. Cell 146 : 519─532, 2011
18) Clark AT, Bodnar MS, Fox M, et al : Spontaneous differentiation of germ cells from human embryonic stem cells in vitro. Hum Mol Genet 13 : 727─739, 2004
19) Kee K, Angeles VT, Flores M, et al : Human DAZL, DAZ and BOULE genes modulate primordial germ-cell and haploid gamete formation. Nature 462 : 222─225, 2009
20) Park TS, Galic Z, Conway AE, et al : Derivation of primordial germ cells from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells is significantly improved by coculture with human fetal gonadal cells. Stem Cells 27 : 783─795, 2009
21) Panula S, Medrano JV, Kee K, et al : Human germ cell differentiation from fetal-and adult-derived induced pluripotent stem cells. Hum Mol Genet 20 : 752─762, 2011
22) Hubner K, Fuhrmann G, Christenson LK, et al : Derivation of oocytes from mouse embryonic stem cells. Science 300 : 1251─1256, 2003
23) Lacham-Kaplan O, Chy H, Trounson A : Testicular cell conditioned medium supports differentiation of embryonic stem cells into ovarian structures containing oocytes. Stem Cells 24 : 266─273, 2006
24) Qing T, Shi Y, Qin H, et al : Induction of oocyte-like cells from mouse embryonic stem cells by co-culture with ovarian granulosa cells. Differentiation 75 : 902─911, 2007
25) Novak I, Lightfoot DA, Wang H, et al : Mouse embryonic stem cells form follicle-like ovarian structures but do not progress through meiosis. Stem Cells 24 : 1931─1936, 2006
26) Honda A, Hirose M, Hara K, et al : Isolation, characterization, and in vitro and in vivo differentiation of putative thecal stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104 : 12389─12394, 2007
27) Nicholas CR, Haston KM, Grewall AK, et al : Transplantation directs oocyte maturation from embryonic stem cells and provides a therapeutic strategy for female infertility. Hum Mol Genet 18 : 4376─4389, 2009





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