今月の臨床 絨毛性疾患アップデート─「取扱い規約」改訂をふまえて
1) 日本産科婦人科学会・日本病理学会編 : 絨毛性疾患取扱い規約,第2版.金原出版,1995
2) 日本産科婦人科学会・日本病理学会編 : 絨毛性疾患取扱い規約,第3版.金原出版,2011
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8) Kaneki E, Kobayashi H, Hirakawa T, et al : Incidence of postmolar gestational trophoblastic disease in androgenetic moles and the morphological features associated with low risk postmolar gestational trophoblastic disease. Cancer Sci 101 : 1717─1721, 2010
9) Niemann I, Hansen ES, Sunde L : The risk of persistent trophoblastic disease after hydatidiform mole classified by morphology and ploidy. Gynecol Oncol 104 : 411─415, 2007
10) Niemann I, Petersen LK, Hansen ES, et al : Predictors of low risk of persistent trophoblastic disease in molar pregnancies. Obstet Gynecol 107 : 1006─1011, 2006
11) Kou YC, Shao L, Peng HH, et al : A recurrent intragenic genomic duplication, other novel mutations in NLRP7 and imprinting defects in recurrent biparental hydatidiform moles. Mol Hum Reprod 14 : 33─40, 2008