今月の臨床 絨毛性疾患アップデート─「取扱い規約」改訂をふまえて
1) Shih I-M : Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia-Pathogenesis and potential therapeutic targets. Lancet Oncol 8 : 642─650, 2007
2) Mao TL, Kurman RJ, Huang CC, et al : Immunohistochemistry of choriocarcinoma : an aid in differential diagnosis and in elucidating pathogenesis. Am J Surg Pathol 31 : 1726─1732, 2007
3) Kurman RJ, Scully RE, Norris HJ : Trophoblastic pseudotumor of the uterus : An exaggerated form of “syncytial endometritis” simulating a malignant tumor. Cancer 38 : 1214─1226, 1976
4) Scully RE, Young RH : Trophoblastic pseudotumor : A reappraisal. Am J Surg Pathol 5 : 75─76, 1981
5) Mazur MT : Metastatic gestational choriocarcinoma : Unusual pathologic variant following chemotherapy. Cancer 63 : 1370─1377, 1989
6) Silva EG, Tornos C, Lage J, et al : Multiple nodules of intermediate trophoblast following hydatidiform moles. Int J Gynecol Pathol 12 : 324─332, 1993
7) Mazur MT, Kurman RJ : gestational trophoblastic disease, In Kurman RJ, ed, Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract. 4th ed. pp1049─1093, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994
8) Shih I-M, Kurman RJ : Epithellioid trophoblastic tumor. A neoplasm distinct from choriocarcinoma and placental site trophoblastic tumor simulating carcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol 22 : 1393─1403, 1998